Good Reads

General Reads

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design

  • The mecca of engineering textbooks. Some of the most in-depth work covers multiple engineering design topics and a lot of what we do.

  • The Solar Car Bible - There’s a lot in here because it talks about all of the subsystems of a solar car. You can learn a lot about how different aspects of the vehicle will affect our subsystem, such as how our front and rear suspension design affects our chassis design.

Specific Reads


Structures Or Why Things Don't Fall Down - J.E. Gordon

  • A nice book to start with if you want to learn about solid mechanics. This book makes it easy to understand some general concepts and isn’t filled with crazy complicated equations.


Mechanics of Materials (Gere and Goodno)

  • Solids textbook that goes through the general curriculum but is also full of example problems. A lot of the problems even walk you through how to solve them.


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