10/15 Fergo Meeting





Project Check-in

Driver Model (Willie):

  • Made a 5’11” and 5’7” driver model based on 25th and 75th percentile measurements

  • Looking to make different configurations that are the same height but with longer/shorter leg lengths or torso heights

Ergo Jig and Dimensions (Akash and Nazneen):

  • Ergo Jig design is almost finalized

    • Need to make the pedal box and seat adjustable (having locking pegs, etc.)

Daybreak Pedal Box updates (Trevor and Jack):

  • Pedal box CAD redesign is looking good

    • Need to add hall effects sensor, redesign accelerator pedal, also spec out bearing if not using bolts

    • Need the pedal ratio (right now we have 5:1, looking at 6:1 or 7:1)

    • Need the break calcs

Brake Calcs (Carol):

  • Need to ask around Combustion and Electric to see how they do their calculations, look to do them this weekend

Frame iterations (new members):

  • General consensus was that frame CAD is fairly easy, solids and frame design intuition is hard (meaning we need to review it)

    • Plan to have a chunk of workday planned out to go over solids intuition

Frame reference sketch (old members):

  • Again, more so intuition problems rather than CAD problems






