Ergo Manufacturing Timeline

Now - 2/24 Get all new Ergo designs reviewed and approved (pedal box, dashboard, communications)

  • Determine dimensions for stock
  • Order stock
    • Water-jet aluminum jig plates, ballast boxes, seat back, head restraint, dashboard, pedal base, foot pads (?) 

2/17- Top Shell Holder

  • Purchase wood, foam tape, L-brackets
  • Assemble and finish top shell holder before Aero layup
  • Determine Handbrake placement

2/24-3/9 Aluminum Frame Jig Handed over to Dynamics on 2/17

  • Mill blocks
  • CNC plates, tabs (don't know if buying or making)?
  • Cut bars to length

3/2-4/13 Pedal Box

  • Order pedal arms, wave spring, connector rod
  • Waterjet - pedal base, foot pad, connector cubes
  • CNC - pedal base, mounting tabs, 
  • Weld mounting tab to base

AFTER 2/24 - Will be parallelized

  • Find fans for driver cooling
  • Buy & cut driver shields
  • Buying pedal arms, acquiring brake cylinders & accelerator cylinder
  • Buy hinges, L-brackets, pipe clamps for ballast boxes
  • Order roll cage foam
  • Buy seat, back, and head restraint foam & epoxy
  • Steering wheel grip tape
  • 3D print radio holder

Biggest concern is not knowing what we already have (and where is it) vs what we need to buy

Purchase requests- what if we don't know exactly what we need to buy yet (for ex top shell holder we may need to buy foam tape, wood, and L brackets) does this have t be finalized before we go buy

Ordering stock - how to request this and what does the timeline usually look like after you order it

  • same with water-jetting, welding (this is in-house but is there only a certain time-frame we can do this?)
  • water jetting- westbrook metals - get a quote

CNC - none of our members are CNC trained, we will likely need this for pedal base/mounts


  • seat back
  • seat headrest
  • ballast box x 2
  • belly pan
  • pedal base
  • pedals/foot pads/wave springs
  • brake/accelerator mounts
  • dashboard


  • driver shields (is steering shields still needed?)
  • seat bottom/back foam
  • steering wheel grip
  • pedal arms
  • brake/accel cylinders?
  • cube-shaped brake connectors?
  • aluminum jig plates/blocks/tabs/rod end bolts
  • ballast box hinges/pipe clamps

2/3 - Laser cut and assemble top shell holder laser cut top shell holder, pedal box fea/aluminum frame jig design

2/10 - Design day/aluminum frame jig plates/cut bars to length, possibly cut our own L-brackets for top shell holder

2/17 - assemble top shell holder/purchase parts of top shell holder, purchase driver shields and seat foam

2/24 - aluminum frame jig plates/cut bars to length

3/2 - aluminum frame jig plates/cut bars to length

3/9 - spring break

3/16 - spring break

3/23 - pedal base/mounts/foot pad/brake connector

3/30 - pedal base/mounts/foot pad/brake connector

4/6 - 3D print radio holder

4/13 - 

4/20 - 




5/18 - cut driver shields and seat foam, epoxy grips to wheel & add grip tape of some sort to it