How to use common KiCAD Libraries

This is intended to be an introduction to how we use the common KiCAD library we use to store symbols, footprints, and 3D models for our PCBs. 

Ensure that you have read the following articles:

Setting up the submodule

A submodule is more than just a regular folder, it also acts as a repo that you can push, create branches, and more just as any other repository.

To add a submodule as a repository run the following command while in your PCB repository:

git submodule add [clone link to submodule repository]

This will add the repository and it'll create a file called ".gitmodules" if it's not already created. This file shows all the submodules in your repo

Setting up in KiCAD

Follow the Using this repository section from the USVT-KicadLibraries repo readme on how to add the symbol libraries to your project

Currently, the readme uses "common" as the name of the submodule, but that'll change depending on what you name it. By default, it is named the name of the repo (UTSVT-KiCADLibraries).

To set up your footprints enter the PCB editor and follow the same steps. This time use the .pretty folders (folders that contain all our footprints) instead of the .sym files


Follow the Adding Components to the Library section on how to add components

Ensure that all footprints are in their relevant .pretty folders and that symbols are in their relevant .sym file.

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