Export PCB as 3D Models


Finding 3D models of parts:

Luckily to add 3D models to boards we don’t need to open a CAD program and start CADing the part since manufacturers have done all the hard work for us. You can almost always find the 3D models in the same place as you find the relevant symbols and footprints for that part.

Mouser and Digikey are your main two examples but usually, you can ctrl+f CAD, 3D, EDA, or ECAD and you can find them in that menu.

Once you go through the process to get those models, they will almost always give you a .STEP file. This is the file you want to use for PCB models

Adding 3D models to KiCAD:

How to export the model:

Surprisingly this is the easiest part of the process and only takes a few clicks


  • Go to the PCB editor
  • File -> Export -> STEP
  • Pick your output directory
  • Make sure you select “Board Centered Origin” as this makes mechanical’s lives easier to use the models

Cool Renders:

We mostly use 3D models for functional purposes and Mechanical integration, but sometimes we want to make awesome looking renders!


  • Go to the PCB editor
  • Enter the 3D model view
  • Go to the top bar and press “Render view using Raytracing”
    • Note that it may take some time to load the image
    • Press the same button to exit raytracing mode
  • Press “Copy 3D Image to clipboard” to copy your current view
    • This button will also work to copy the not raytraced view