Known issues and fixes for CAN networks.


This article is meant to contain a collection of small issues / tidbits of knowledge accrued over the years on how to deal with CAN network faults. To contribute, please follow the format below:



Describe the problem as the user/developer would experience. For example "CAN bus is flooding with traffic, seems to be the same message over and over again." Be descriptive, and use keywords to assist with searching.


Provide detailed steps that the user can take to solve the problem. For example "CAN bus flooding with traffic is likely an error with acknowledgement. All CAN messages must receive an ACK, otherwise they will re-transmit. Check your receiver device to ensure that it is powered, running, and not stuck in an infinite loop somewhere..."

Again, utilize keywords and descriptive sentences to assist in searching. 

There maybe multiple solutions to similar or identical problems. As such, if you have the same problem as someone else, but solve it differently please add another Header 3 Solution section beneath the same Problem section.



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