Wiring Guide
Low Voltage (12V)
The fuse boxes are what power the 12V low voltage system (LV). They provide power for practically every board.
The secondary power board will be what provides power to the fusebox. Power will come from either the DCDC Converter or Supplemental Battery (only during startup and fault states).
In the event of overcurrent, one of the fuses will blow to ensure no boards are damaged, due to FSGP and ASC regulations they are not resettable fuses, meaning that we need to keep extra fuses on hand.
Things powered by the fusebox:
AKA Resistance Temperature Detector Board (RTD)
Horn / 1 Channel Relay
Motor Contactor Driver Board
Array Contactor Driver Board
Supplemental Monitoring Board
Within the Electronics Enclosure, the following boards are connected through CAN. All CAN connectors are 4x1 Molex Microfit 3.0 Connectors.
CAN Bus Boards:
BPS Leader (Starting Point)
Supplemental Battery Monitoring Board
Telemetry/Raspberry Pi
Blackbody A
Controls Leader (Termination Point)
CAN has two wires (CAN High and CAN Low) which are in twisted pairs to reduce noise.
When determining layout, CAN wires have the highest importance, and thus you should ensure that they are close together. The reason we want CAN wires to be as short as possible is to reduce noise.
High Voltage (120V)
2 contactors are located inside the High Voltage Enclosure
Motor Contactor
Array Contactor
3 contactors are located inside the BPS Enclosure
HV -
HV +
Precharge Contactor
O-Ring crimped to 6 gauge wire
HV vs LV
We want to ensure that the HV and LV components of the car are separated from each other
In previous years during scrutineering, the judges did not like not having HV and LV separated
The HV components not in the BPS are:
Array Contactor Driver Board
Motor Contactor Driver Board
Array Contactor
Motor Contactor
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