2. VISTA Clipping process

For the clipping process please follow the guide: https://cloud.wikis.utexas.edu/wiki/x/U4NZAw

Please look at the overview to understand how this processhttps://cloud.wikis.utexas.edu/wiki/x/6YhZAw is part of the VISTA speech Samples analysis.


  • Specific considerations for the VISTA samples:

    • Clipping should start when the participant speaks and ends when is done with script

    • If title is repeated before giving the script, it should be clipped

      • ex. “El Barca…A me gusta el Barca…”

    • Clip out when the participant says “ya esta” “no se”.

Topic names

make sure that the topic names are consistent I think maybe this rules can help (pending to confirm with @Stephanie Grasso )

  • No accent marks

    • ex. “_Barça_”, should be “_Barca_”

  • All script names should be in Spanish, even if the session is in Catalan

  • Capitalize first letters of each word of the script titles

    • ex. “_Jardines_”, “_ArreglarLaCasa_”

  • Do not use any other punctuation symbols (dashes, commas)

    • ex. “_COVID-19_”, should be “_Covid19_”

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