Paraphasias _ word_

    1. Paraphasias should be coded orthographically. And the code has 2 brackets, a colon an a space between the colon and the word [: word]

    2. Paraphasias can only be coded if you know what the intended target is, otherwise code it as a fragment (see Fragments section) or unintelligible word: xxx (see Unintelligible Words section)
    3. The intended target should immediately follow the coded attempt in square brackets as shown below. The analysis programs will only look at what is inside the brackets for their measures, and ignore the word preceding them.
    4. For semantic paraphasias, if you can discern what the intended target was, you can code it in brackets following the paraphasia. If you are unsure what the intended target was, simply write the word they said as-iswould we have problems afterwards analyzing it with the language measures?
      If there's NO problem:
  • if it can stay like this - no problem, transcribe it as-is after commenting it with more clinicians
    If YES it can cause a problem:
  • Option A: transcribe it as Unintelligible Words
  • Option B: use code for neologisms (we don't have a code yet)
    No we won't have a problem with things coded the way we have described. .
    1. Transcribe the paraphasia orthographically:
      1. no dubs [: dogs] allowed in here.

      2. she studied limberature [: literature].

      3. I have four grandkids and four great grandbirds [: grandkids].

      4. hay pasar un un famborista [: funambulista] de estos con la cuerda.

    2. If there is a dialectical difference or accent:
      1. If a production is non-standard but typical of the participant's dialect, the intended word should be written orthographically and not as a phonological paraphasia
        1. Transcribe as follows: I had no idea if the participant said I had no idear
          1. Catalan example: , primer ve que aquí un noi que porte un should be transcribed as , primer ve que aquí un noi que porta unadd spanish example - if theres a dialectal difference we have to change it to the "standard" language? Llavontes in Catalan to llavorsBILP017_PreTx_Cat_WABPicnic.

      1. If the production is a typical shortening of a word due to dialectical difference, write the word orthographically
        1. Transcribe as follows: I like swimming and sunbathing if the participant said I like swimmin and sunbathin.

Please add in this list Colloquial or plausible words that aren't in CLAN library
Write down the words in this tables:

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