IV. Emeritus Status

A. Emeritus Requests HOP 2-2430

  • Emeritus titles recognize a faculty member's distinguished service and distinction at the University.
  • They may be given to either a retired faculty member or to a faculty member in anticipation of retirement, to be effective upon retirement.
  • Emeritus titles may include a named professorship, chair, or fellowship held by the faculty member prior to retirement if approved by the Dean and Department Chair and not prohibited by the conditions of the professorship, chair, or fellowship.


    • The Department Chair collects Budget Council votes during a faculty meeting.
    • The Department Chair sends the Dean a brief request memo (using the Emeritus Memo Template) along with the candidate's CV.
      • The memo should include the Budget Council vote.
    • After reviewing the nomination packet, if in agreement with the recommendation, the Dean will submit the nomination to the Provost's Office.
    • Recommendations for emeritus status are then reviewed and approved by the President.

    • Departments will be notified by CNS Faculty Affairs once emeritus requests have been final approved.

Required Materials

    • Emeritus Request Memo, including Budget Council vote.
    • Candidate's current CV

B. Emeritus Status HOP 2-2430


Holders of emeritus titles will be granted the following privileges and perks:

    • Membership (without vote) in the General Faculty and in the college and department faculties in which membership was held at the time of retirement.
    • Eligibility to serve on graduate committees, subject to the approval of the Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies.
    • Listing in the faculty directory and in the appropriate college catalog.
    • Use of the campus mail service.
    • Office space, when available and with the approval of the chair of the department, the dean of the college or school, and the president.
    • Holders of an emeritus title will be granted all privileges and perks of retired faculty.