II. Faculty Leaves

A. Release Time


  • Faculty members interested in (1) academic leave (2) unpaid time off and/or (3) leave from the instructional budget must notify the Department Chair.
  • The Chair's Office will work with the faculty member to complete a Faculty Request for Leave Form, for submission to CNS Faculty Affairs.
  • Leave form submission deadlines:
    • First Friday in July - requests for the fall semester/long session
    • First Friday in November - requests for the spring semester
  • More from CNS Faculty Affairs.

Requesting leave is not necessary under the following circumstances:

  • Accrued sick leave or sick leave pool is being taken
  • A UT administrative appointment will pay all or part of a faculty member’s salary.
    • For example, appointments as Dean, Associate Dean, Director, etc. do not require requesting leave
  • Leave is taken during the summer months
  • A faculty member will be paid by another department's faculty salaries account where they hold an appointment
  • Jury Duty
  • Official travel for research, teaching, administrative, State business, military leave (up to 15 days per year), etc., if all appropriate travel approvals have been secured in a timely manner

B. Faculty Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave (FMLA)

Faculty members may be eligible for FMLA leave due to:

  • A serious health condition of the employee
  • The birth and care of the employee’s child
  • The placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the employee
  • The care of the employee’s spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition
  • More from CNS Faculty Affairs