Entertainment Expenses

CNS OOEF PowerForms

Please use the DocuSign PowerForms linked below:


  • Delegates may not approve their own expenses. 
  • Reimbursements to individuals cannot be processed if the receipts are more than 60 days old.
  • Check the proposed account: start-up, retention, AUF, State, or ICR accounts may NOT be used. 
    • Some grant accounts do not allow entertainment expenses.
  • Student Fee and Flat Rate Tuition accounts may only be used for student events (OC 1309).
  • The sub-account should not be 9X or between 01-20; it must be a sub account that accepts the object code.
    • You can check to see if the object code is allowed by using DEFINE command GO7 and putting the account number in the ACCOUNT field.

CNS OOEF Approval Delegation Chart

ExpenditureFinal Signer(s)
< $3000, Unit Head/Dept Chair/Director not attendingDelegate 1 (Bob) or 2 (Marsha)
< $3000, Unit Head/Dept Chair/Director attendingGail Davis or Delegate 2 (Marsha)
Between $3,000 and $4,999Gail Davis
>= $5,000Gail Davis and Ricardo Medina
>= $5,000, Richardo Medina attendingGail Davis