General Reimbursements

 General Reimbursements (non-travel)

  • Purchases made from personal funds that require reimbursement should be reserved for emergency circumstances, must not cost over $5,000, are subject to review by the assistant vice president for procurement, contracts, and payment services, and may be rejected.

Allowed Reimbursements

    • Reference Books & Materials (under $5,000)
    • Memberships
    • Professional License Fees
    • Subscriptions
    • Registrations

Disallowed Reimbursements

    • Office Supplies
    • Computer Hardware and Software

Entertainment and Official Occasion Reimbursement HPB 9.1.1.

  • Expenses should support the university's mission and must serve a business purpose.
  • An Official Occasion Expense Form (OOEF) must be pre-approved by the department. 
  • Entertainment Expense Limits:
    • Average of $100 per person including food, alcohol, tax, and gratuity.
    • Gratuities must not exceed 20 percent of the bill subtotal before sales tax.
    • Expenses for alcohol may not be the primary expenditure (greater than the total food expense).

Submitting a receipt for reimbursement

  • If you made an allowable out-of-pocket expense and are submitting a receipt for reimbursement, please
    • enter your item(s) in your lab’s Order Form (found in your lab's purchasing app)
    • upload your receipt by dragging your PDF receipt to the left of the line item (row)