PM - Conclusion and Future Work

We set out to create a picking mechanism to provide those with neuromuscular disabilities the independence to feed themselves. Unfortunately, our design lacks the versatility to pick up a variety of objects. This was not unexpected as grasping and gripper design are active areas of research.

However, in terms of accomplishing our project goals, we did succeed in creating a cheap, safe, and open source picking mechanism. The total cost of our materials came around $200 (including the supplies provided to us.) Moreover, purchasing aluminum instead of delrin for our links would have made our design even cheaper. The mechanism is also safe. There is a large button which activates the system, and the velocity of the arm is slow and controlled. As for being an open source project, we have uploaded all relevant CAD files and software to our github as well as the robot mechanism design wiki.

As for future work, there are a lot of areas of improvement. Using unwarped stock aluminum would be the first design change we would make. The additions of limit switches and a stepper motor would also provide the user greater flexibility in operating the arm in a safe and convenient manner. With additional time, rescaling the design to fit stock gears found off of McMaster would eliminate the need for 3D printed parts. This provides greater robustness and precision in design. Lastly, incorporating a planetary gear mechanism on the gripper may improve our grasping capabilities. An example of such a mechanism is provided below.