Matlab Code for Penguin Kinematic Analysis
%Derek Hornung
%"Ready to Fly" Kinematic Analysis
theta_crank = [0:2*pi/360:2*pi];
theta_crank_deg = theta_crank * 180/pi;
omega_crank = 2*pi; %1 revolution per second CCW
%Deriving the vertical path of the penguin's body based on cam shape
%Cubic regression terms
a = (2.150E-2).*theta_crank(1:270).^3;
b = (2.026E-1).*theta_crank(1:270).^2;
c = (1.061E-2).*theta_crank(1:270);
d = 1.5;
%Assembling y_cam
y_cam(1:270) = -a + b - c + d;
y_cam(271:337) = 3.7*cos(theta_crank(271:337)-3*pi/2);
y_cam(338:361) = 1.5;
y_body = y_cam - 1.5; %Top of base as reference plane for penguin
%Calculating velocity of the penguin's body by taking dy/dt
%Terms of time derivative of cubic regression line of cam radius wrt angle
dadt = 3*(2.150E-2)*omega_crank.*theta_crank(1:270).^2;
dbdt = 2*(2.026E-1)*omega_crank.*theta_crank(1:270);
dcdt = (1.061E-2)*omega_crank;
dddt = 0;
%Assembling v_body
v_body(1:270) = -dadt + dbdt - dcdt + dddt;
v_body(271:337) = -3.7*omega_crank*sin(theta_crank(271:337)-3*pi/2);
v_body(338:361) = 0;
%Calculating acceleration of the penguin's body by taking dv/dt
%Terms of second derivative of cubic regression of cam radius wrt angle
d2adt2 = 3*(2.150E-2)*omega_crank^2.*theta_crank(1:270);
d2bdt2 = 2*(2.026E-1)*omega_crank^2;
d2cdt2 = 0;
%Assembling a_body
a_body(1:270) = -d2adt2 + d2bdt2 - d2cdt2;
a_body(271:337) = -3.7*omega_crank^2*cos(theta_crank(271:337)-3*pi/2);
a_body(338:361) = 0;
%Plotting kinematic analysis results for the motion of the penguin's body
title('Vertical Path of Body wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Position (cm)')
title('Velocity of Body wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Velocity (cm/s)')
title('Acceleration of Body wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Acceleration (cm/s^2)')
%Calculating angular position of wings wrt angle of crank
h_wing = 8.4; %Height of glued base of wings from surface of glacier
h_slot = 7.2; %Height of shoulder slots from bottom of penguin body
y_slot = y_body + h_slot; %Height of slot from surface of glacier
x_slot = 0.9; %Horizontal distance from base of wing to slot
theta_wing = atan2d(x_slot, (h_wing - y_slot));
omega_wing = v_body ./ x_slot;
alpha_wing = a_body ./ x_slot;
title('Angle of Wing wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Angle of wing (degrees)')
title('Angular Velocity of Wing wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Angular velocity of wing (rad/s)')
title('Angular Acceleration of Wing wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Angular acceleration of wing (rad/s^2)')
%Calculating the vertical position of the wingtips
L_wing = 1.4 + 6.4; %Length of wing from base to tip
L_hidden = sqrt(x_slot^2 + (h_wing - y_slot).^2); %Length of wing in body
L_expose = L_wing - L_hidden; %Length of wing outside body
y_tip = h_wing - L_wing * cosd(theta_wing);
v_tip = L_wing .* omega_wing;
a_tip = L_wing .* alpha_wing;
title('Vertical Path of Wingtip wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Position (cm)')
title('Velocity of Wingtip wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Velocity (cm/s)')
title('Acceleration of Wingtip wrt Angle of Crank')
xlabel('Angle of crank (degrees)')
ylabel('Acceleration (cm/s^2)')
%Actual shape of cam (different range of theta for plotting purposes)
r_cam(92:361) = -a + b - c + d;
r_cam(1:91) = 1.5; %Radius of actual cam over interval 0 < theta < 90
x_cam_model = r_cam .* cos(theta_crank);
y_cam_model = r_cam .* sin(theta_crank);
xlabel('x (cm)')
ylabel('y (cm)')
title('Cam Shape')
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