Team 7 - Conclusion and Future Works

In conclusion, our group was able to successfully create a quick-return ball shooter. The process was arduous and long, requiring many iterations of adjustments to be successful, but the final prototype produced satisfactory results. Of course, there were multiple areas in which we could have further improved our design. One of the more obvious additions we could have made was the construction of a proper magazine that mechanically connected to the barrel instead of being taped on. Additionally, we could have come up with a way to ensure that only one ball enters the barrel at a time, as sometimes more than one ball would fall into the barrel at once. Another issue we could have addressed would have been with the screws used to connect the motor to the linkage. Our final prototype used screws that were rather long, and there was initially an issue where they actually made contact with one of the overlapping linkages and hindered motion. Our solution was to simply screw them in deeper to press the rubber spacer down to let the linkage clear. However, a more sound solution would have been to find shorter screws.