8. Appendix (Team 30)

8. Appendix (Team 30)

MATLAB code for the Position & Velocity Calcs and Simulations

clear all;
close all;

video_record = false;
vid_name = 'robotic_gripper_sim.avi';

q1a = 284.67;
%Mechanism A link length of five-bar
LA = [2.5332, 1.4921, 1.1811, 0.7874, 1.3671];
theta1 = 284.6;

%Mechanism B links, last link length is to point P
LB = [1.1815, 2.2885, 1.0206, 1.9685, 2.6202];
alpha = 122.9;
R = [cosd(alpha) -sind(alpha); sind(alpha) cosd(alpha)];
R_inv = R';
link5a_offset_angle = 110;
delta = -1;
qP = 35.67;

syms theta4 theta5 w4 w5;

LA2_start = 0.6;
LA2_end = 2.2;
step = 0.05;
LA2_all = LA2_start:step:LA2_end;

%TODO convert this to linear speed based on rotation of motor
RPS = 4;
TPI = 20;
% evaluates to 0.2;
LA_2dot = 1/TPI*RPS;

%split the angles of the two mechanisms up for simplicity
qA = zeros(length(LA2_all),5);
omegaA = qA;
L2A = zeros(length(LA2_all),2);
L3A = L2A;
L4A = L2A;
L1A = L2A;

omegaA(:,1) = 0;
omegaA(:,2) = 0;
omegaA(:,3) = 0;

qB = zeros(length(LA2_all),5);
qB_global = qB;
omegaB = zeros(length(LA2_all),5);

L1B = zeros(length(LA2_all),2);
L2B = L1B;
L3B = L1B;
LPB = L1B;
LPB_mag = zeros(length(LA2_all),1);
LPB_vel = L1B;
LPB_velMag = LPB_mag;

if video_record == true
video = VideoWriter(vid_name); %create the video object

for i = 1:length(LA2_all)

LA(2) = LA2_all(i);

% Calling the function that calculates fourbar positions [q1, q2, q3, q4]
qA(i,1) = 284.67;
qA(i,2) = 0;
qA(i,3) = 270;

q1a = wrapTo360(qA(i,1));
q2a = wrapTo360(qA(i,2));
q3a = wrapTo360(qA(i,3));

%Solve for theta4 and theta5 of Mechanism A
eqq1 = LA(1)*cosd(theta1) + LA(5)*cosd(theta5) - LA(4)*cosd(theta4) - LA(2) == 0;
eqq2 = LA(1)*sind(theta1) + LA(5)*sind(theta5) - LA(4)*sind(theta4) + LA(3) == 0;

Y = vpasolve([eqq1, eqq2], [theta4,theta5],[200;80]);
qA(i,4) = Y.theta4;
qA(i,5) = Y.theta5;

q4a = wrapTo360(qA(i,4));
q5a = wrapTo360(qA(i,5));

%Solve for w4 and w5;
eqq3 = -LA(5)*w5*sind(q5a) + LA(4)*w4*sind(q4a) - LA_2dot == 0;
eqq4 = LA(5)*w5*cosd(q5a) - LA(4)*w4*cosd(q4a) == 0;

Z = vpasolve([eqq3, eqq4], [w4,w5],[0.2;-0.5]);
omegaA(i,4) = double(Z.w4);
omegaA(i,5) = Z.w5;

omega4A = omegaA(i,4);
omega5A = omegaA(i,5);

%Construct Position Vectors
origin = [0; 0];
L1A(i,:) = [LA(1)*cosd(q1a); LA(1)*sind(q1a)];
% L_A = [LA(2)*cosd(q2); -L2y];
L2A(i,:) = [LA(2)*cosd(q2a); LA(2)*sind(q2a)];
L3A(i,:) = [L2A(i,1) + LA(3)*cosd(q3a);L2A(i,2) + LA(3)*sind(q3a)];
% can do the end point of L4A (point C) by 1 of these 2 ways below
% L4A(i,:) = L3A(i,:) + [LA(4)*cosd(q4a); LA(4)*sind(q4a)];
L4A(i,:) = [L1A(i,1) + LA(5)*cosd(q5a);L1A(i,2) + LA(5)*sind(q5a)];

%2nd Mechanism
q2b = q5a + link5a_offset_angle - alpha;
qB(i,1:4) = fourbarpos_deg(LB,0,q2b,delta);
q1b = wrapTo360(qB(i,1));
q2b = wrapTo360(qB(i,2));
q3b = wrapTo360(qB(i,3));
q4b = wrapTo360(qB(i,4));

omega2B = omega5A;
omegaB(i,1:4) = fourbarVel_deg(LB,qB(i,1:4),omega2B);

omega3B = omegaB(i,3);
omega4B = omegaB(i,4);

%Construct Mechanism B Position Vectors
L1B(i,:) = [LB(1)*cosd(q1b); LB(1)*sind(q1b)];
L2B(i,:) = [LB(2)*cosd(q2b); LB(2)*sind(q2b)];
% can do the end point of L3B (point B) by 1 of these 2 ways below
L3B(i,:) = [LB(3)*cosd(q3b); LB(3)*sind(q3b)];
% L3B(i,:) = [LB(4)*cosd(q4b); LB(4)*sind(q4b)];

%Construct Position Vector of Point P (Gripper)
LPB(i,:) = [LB(2)*cosd(q2b) + LB(5)*cosd(q3b+qP); LB(2)*sind(q2b) + LB(5)*sind(q3b+qP)];
LPB_mag(i) = norm(LPB(i,:));

%Calculate q5 using dot product
qB(i,5) = acosd(dot([1;0],LPB(i,:))/(LPB_mag(i)*1));

%Construct Velocity Vector of Point P (Gripper
LPB_xVel = -LB(2)*omega2B*sind(q2b) - LPB_mag(i)*omega3B*sind(q3b+qP);
LPB_yVel = LB(2)*omega2B*cosd(q2b) + LPB_mag(i)*omega3B*cosd(q3b+qP);
LPB_vel(i,:) = [LPB_xVel; LPB_yVel];
LPB_velMag(i) = norm(LPB_vel(i));
omegaB(i,5) = LPB_velMag(i)/LPB_mag(i);

%Convert local Mechanism B vectors back into global frame
L1B(i,:) = R*L1B(i,:)';
L2B(i,:) = R*L2B(i,:)';
L3B(i,:) = R*L3B(i,:)';
LPB(i,:) = R*LPB(i,:)';
LPB_vel(i,:) = R*LPB_vel(i,:)';
%convert thetas of mech B to global coords
qB_global = qB + alpha;

%Build up vector from global origin by adding L1A into the mix
%(position vector from O2 to O4 of Mechanism A)
L1B(i,:) = [L1A(i,1) + L1B(i,1); L1A(i,2) + L1B(i,2)];
L2B(i,:) = [L1A(i,1) + L2B(i,1); L1A(i,2) + L2B(i,2)];
L3B(i,:) = [L2B(i,1) + L3B(i,1); L2B(i,2) + L3B(i,2)];
% L3B(i,:) = [L1B(i,1) + L3B(i,1); L1B(i,2) + L3B(i,2)];
LPB(i,:) = [L1A(i,1) + LPB(i,1); L1A(i,2) + LPB(i,2)];


plot_links = true;
if plot_links == true

for i = 1:length(LA2_all)
set(gcf,'position',[0 10 1300 900])
hold on
% 2nd mechanism

% 1st Mechanism
line([origin(1) L2A(i,1)], [origin(2) L2A(i,2)],'Color','yellow','linewidth',3)
line([L2A(i,1) L3A(i,1)], [L2A(i,2) L3A(i,2)],'Color','red','linewidth',3)
line([L3A(i,1) L4A(i,1)], [L3A(i,2) L4A(i,2)],'Color','blue','linewidth',3)
line([L1A(i,1) L4A(i,1)], [L1A(i,2) L4A(i,2)],'Color','green','linewidth',3)
% ground link
line([origin(1) L1A(i,1)], [origin(2) L1A(i,2)],'Color','black','linewidth',3,'LineStyle','--')
% 2nd Mechanism
line([L1A(i,1) L2B(i,1)], [L1A(i,2) L2B(i,2)],'Color','red','linewidth',3)
line([L2B(i,1) L3B(i,1)], [L2B(i,2) L3B(i,2)],'Color','blue','linewidth',3)
line([L1B(i,1) L3B(i,1)], [L1B(i,2) L3B(i,2)],'Color','green','linewidth',3)
% ground link
line([L1A(i,1) L1B(i,1)], [L1A(i,2) L1B(i,2)],'Color','black','linewidth',3)
% point of interest, P
line([L2B(i,1) LPB(i,1)], [L2B(i,2) LPB(i,2)],'Color','yellow','linewidth',3,'LineStyle','--')
line([L3B(i,1) LPB(i,1)], [L3B(i,2) LPB(i,2)],'Color','yellow','linewidth',3,'LineStyle','--')
% plot trajectory
Px(i) = LPB(i,1);
Py(i) = LPB(i,2);
Plot_Traj = plot(Px,Py,'--g','LineWidth',1);

title('Robotic Gripper (one Five-bar, one Four-bar)','fontsize',15)
axis ([-5 5 -5 5]); %equal
if i < length(LA2_all)
hold off
hold on

if video_record == true
frame = getframe(gcf);
writeVideo(video,frame); %write the image to file



plot_stats = true;
if plot_stats == true
plot(LA2_all, qA(:,4),'linewidth',2)
hold on;
plot(LA2_all, qA(:,5),'linewidth',2)
title('Mechanism A Links Angular Position');
xlabel('Theta 2 (deg)');
legend('Link 4 Angle','Link 5 Angle');

plot(LA2_all, qB_global(:,3),'linewidth',2)
hold on;
plot(LA2_all, qB_global(:,4),'linewidth',2)
plot(LA2_all, qB_global(:,5),'linewidth',2)
title('Mechanism B Links Angular Position');
xlabel('Theta 2 (deg)');
legend('Link 3 Angle','Link 4 Angle','Link O2_P Angle');

plot(LA2_all, omegaA(:,4),'linewidth',2)
hold on;
plot(LA2_all, omegaA(:,5),'linewidth',2)
title('Mechanism A Links Angular Velocity');
xlabel('Theta 2 (deg)');
ylabel('Omega (rad/s)');
legend('Link 4 Ang Vel','Link 5 Ang Vel');

plot(LA2_all, omegaB(:,3),'linewidth',2)
hold on;
plot(LA2_all, omegaB(:,4),'linewidth',2)
plot(LA2_all, omegaB(:,5),'linewidth',2)
title('Mechanism B Links Angular Velocity');
xlabel('Theta 2 (deg)');
ylabel('Omega (rad/s)');
legend('Link 3 Ang Vel','Link 4 Ang Vel','Link O2_P Ang Vel');

if video_record == true

Bill of Materials

ItemLinkPrice for AllNotes
36 M5 Bearings and associated fasteners (bolts and nuts)McMaster

16 3D printed links (8 of which are mirrored versions of the first 8)PLA filament

AX-12 Dynamixel Servo

U2D2 Converter Board

U2D2 Power Hub

2 TTL Cables

Bracket & Associated Hardware for attaching servo

1/4-20" threaded rod

3d printed threaded rod to servo horn couple

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