General Travel Policy
All travel on behalf of the University and College requires prior approval.
Disclaimer: For your convenience, we’ve attempted to summarize some key points about travel procedures here; however, the Handbook of Business Procedures as well as any policies from the College trump anything written on this site.
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Request Travel Authorization
Directions on arranging for travel for official UT business.
International Travel
Information for traveling outside the United States.
Air Transportation
Directions for booking flights. Email if you have questions.
Ground Transportation
Faculty Travel with University Equipment
The State of Texas financially penalizes RTF for excess missing equipment. Therefore, the following applies to all UT equipment including items bought specifically for you.
Some equipment may be designated as unable to leave campus.
All RTF-owned equipment taken off campus must be checked out and insured. Please contact Moody Checkout Services (HSM 2.102) for production equipment after your travel has been approved.
If you are taking equipment outside the continental U.S., the department needs as much lead time as possible to meet the additional requirements involved in the terms of our insurance. In some cases, equipment insurance is denied. As a general rule, the University does not allow taking any University equipment to a country for which there is a Travel Warning issued by the U.S. Department of State. You can check the status of a specific country at the following link:
If you have equipment off campus or intend to take equipment off campus, RTF Accounting will provide a form for your completion. The completed form must be submitted before the equipment is taken off campus and you must reimburse the department for insuring the equipment.
You are responsible for a $2,500 deductible on lost, stolen, or damaged production equipment. You are fully responsible for any other lost, stolen, or damaged equipment (such as a laptop).
Should equipment be stolen, you must file a Police Report. A copy of that police report is needed before RTF can submit an insurance claim, you must notify RTF Accounting on the first workday following any theft of equipment.
Domestic Travel with film equipment
If you plan to travel with UT production equipment within the U.S. and that travel is further than 25 miles from the UT Austin campus OR on an aircraft, notify the Production Area Head and RTF Accounting at least 14 days in advance of your proposed checkout date. After approval, you may contact Moody Checkout Services to request equipment.
Note: The Production Area Head is not approving your project—only the request to take equipment. They are the liaison with Moody Checkout Services and can help coordinate your equipment requests, which is why they must be consulted. Please see Moody Checkout Services’ travel policies regarding equipment requests for travel.
International Travel with film equipment
International travel with University Equipment is allowed but additional approvals are required. For general information, please consult Texas Global’s Travel Policies.
In order to get approved for international travel, you must:
- Follow & complete all the steps outlined by Texas Global:
- Visit the RTF Faculty Handbook’s International Travel section and complete an RTF Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) Form
- Get Approval from the Production Area Head for any production equipment you are requesting. Once this approval is granted, then you may contact Moody Checkout Services to request equipment. Note: The Production Area Head is not approving your project. They are the liaison with Moody Checkout Services and can help coordinate your equipment requests, which is why they must be consulted. Please see Moody Checkout Services’ travel policies regarding equipment requests for travel.
- Consult RTF Accounting to set up carnet for University owned equipment, specifically film gear, traveling abroad - this is an RTF Requirement. See note below.
Please note:
- If you are taking production equipment, your travel MUST BE APPROVED and all required documents must be received before equipment can be checked out.
- International travel MAY require a Carnet*; depending on which countries you travel to or through. You must obtain the Carnet BEFORE you check out equipment. In order to get the Carnet, you will need specific information from Equipment Checkout (serial numbers of equipment for example), so you must decide on your equipment before you obtain the Carnet. You will owe RTF for any equipment that is seized when you enter or exit a country without a valid Carnet (or if you did not follow Carnet procedures).
- International travel may require you to request a loaner laptop if you are traveling on official university business to country of concerned as defined by the Chips Act of 2022. See the policy.
*What is a Carnet, and why do you need one?
Carnets are international customs documents that simplify customs procedures for the temporary importation of various types of goods. INDIVIDUALS are responsible for obtaining their Carnets in advance, paying for the Carnet, and following Carnet protocol. There are serious financial consequences for not following Carnet protocols, so pay attention to their instructions. There are two types of Carnets:
- ATA Carnets ease the temporary importation of commercial samples (CS), professional equipment (PE), and goods for exhibitions and fairs (EF). They facilitate international business by avoiding extensive customs procedures, eliminating payment of duties and value-added taxes (minimum 20% in Europe, 27% in China), and replacing the purchase of temporary import bonds.
- TECRO/AIT Carnets, used between the U.S. and Taiwan only, appear similar to, and serve the same function as the ATA Carnet. TECRO/AIT Carnets result from a bilateral agreement between the US and Taiwan, covering only commercial samples (CS), and professional equipment (PE).
Carnets save time, effort, and money. They:
- May be used for unlimited exits from and entries into the U.S. and foreign countries (Carnets are valid for one year),
- Are accepted in over 75 countries and territories,
- Eliminate value-added taxes (VAT), duties, and the posting of security normally required at the time of importation.
- Simplify customs procedures. Carnets allow a temporary exporter to use a single document for all customs transactions, make arrangements in advance, and at a predetermined cost.
- Facilitate reentry into the U.S. by eliminating the need to register the goods with U.S. Customs at the time of departure.
Which countries are Carnet countries?
Because this list is subject to change without notice at any time, check with United States Council for International Business.
How much does a Carnet cost?
The cost is based on the dollar value of the equipment AND how soon you need to receive your Carnet. See ATA Carnet FAQs for more info.
Traveling over large bodies of water
If you are traveling over a large body of water, let determine if you need Ocean Cargo insurance. If you do, this must be requested no later than 10 days in advance of your proposed checkout date. You can expect to pay additional insurance premiums with this form. The amount of additional insurance premiums will depend on the dollar value of the equipment you are taking with you. (If you are traveling by vehicle within the contiguous United States and are not crossing over a large body of water —Lake Michigan, for example—while doing so, additional insurance is not required.)
NOTE: Procedures and charges are subject to change.