

Aug 28, 2024


  • @Paloma Graciani Picardo

  • @Benn Chang

  • @Melanie Cofield

  • Elliot Williams

  • @Katie Pierce Meyer

  • Nancy Sparrow

  • Hanlin Li


  • n/a


  • Zoom recording - none, technical difficulties


  • Housekeeping

  • Updates from the field

  • Wikidata info card review in Alma/Primo

  • Hanlin Li’s NSF grant proposal

  • Discussion – Preparing for meeting with Anne Washington (OCLC Semantic Applications Product Analyst)

 Discussion topics









  • Intros for any new attendees

  • Additional agenda topics

  • Announcements

    • FYI from Benn re: feature rollouts in Alma/Primo, he is working on effective ways to share that info with our users. 

    • FYI from Melanie that the recent Alma Sandbox refresh likely overwrote our Wikidata experimentations. We should firm up our collective knowledge and practice of exporting sets and records for future work.

    • FYI from Paloma that there is interest from UTL cataloger staff in joining our group/conversations, but this meeting time doesn’t work well, so we should consider shifting. 

      • Melanie will look at calendars, consult with interested colleagues and pitch new meeting times.

  • Review action items from last meeting

    • re: Nov/Dec meetings, we will consolidate into 1 early Dec meeting, Melanie will schedule.

    • re: planning more coordinated testing of Linked Data features in Alma/Primo, Benn reported his work on a shared Postman workspace that we will be able to use for testing LD-related API use.

    • Anne Washington joining us next meeting in October to talk about Meridian entity editor

    • re: planning Fall actions on next steps from Capstone report and be prepared to report out at next meeting - no progress yet, aiming for early 2025.

Updates from the field


  • 2024 LD4 Conference - 7-11 October

    • Virtual

    • Program pending, registration not available until program posted

    • Assuming it will be free again

    • Multiple tracks to follow

  • PCC call for volunteers (looking for folks with expertise/experience with linked data and Wikidata – deadline, September 18th)

  • European BibFrame Workshop, free, Sept 17-18

  • Vendor and ELUNA community updates - nothing new for September, Melanie pointing out notes on our wiki from last meeting about August Alma/Primo features. 

Wikidata info card review in Alma/Primo

Melanie, Benn

  • Group activity - SAVED FOR FUTURE MEETING

Hanlin Li’s NSF grant proposal




  • What do we want to learn from Anne Washington?

  • Background

    • Interest in getting a better understanding of the current landscape for entity management platforms and how they relate to each other (OCLC Meridian, Share-VDE J Cricquet, Wikidata, etc…)

  • Brainstormed questions for Anne to send in advance:

    • General comparison of Meridian to Wikidata (since we are a community of practice somewhat invested in Wikidata)

    • Reusability/interoperability - Ideas/use cases for how the data can be used outside the library system?

    • Who has access to contribute to it? What do access restrictions look like?

    • Governance/expectations of community contributions of Meridian entities

    • What does development (roadmap?) & support for Meridian look like? 

    • How is Meridian integrated with other traditional OCLC services/products and customer workflows?

    • Time permitting, how Meridian compares to Share-VDE’s J Cricquet editor

  • Reschedule and plot out agenda topics/efforts for November-December 

    • agree to consolidate Nov/Dec meeting into one early Dec meeting

    • September - Anne Washington, maybe group review of Alma/Primo Author info card

    • Early December - Hanlin Li presenting, continue Alma/Primo group explorations

 Action items

Share questions for Anne Washington with group on list-serv for review/approval - Melanie
Determine general group member availability and pitch new meeting time/day to accommodate UTL cataloger attendance - Melanie
Update Nov/Dec meeting schedule - Melanie