


  • Melanie Cofield

  • Paloma Graciani Picardo


  • Zoom recording - (link, includes chat)


  • Housekeeping
  • Updates from the field: Conference and webinar takeaways
  • Review Person entity feature in UTL Primo
  • Debrief on OCLC Entities & Meridian
  • Review OCLC workspace in Postman
  • Looking ahead, last 2024 meeting on Dec 18

Discussion items

  • Additional agenda topics
  • Announcements
    • Reset tdl-linked-data@utlists.utexas.edu with a subscription reminder message (no posts over last year).
    • TCDL has already sent a save the date – May 20-22, 2025 – Any interest in participating this year
      • Elliot - Wikidata workshop last year was very successful. Would be good to have a second one, but does not have the capacity to engage
      • Melanie - What about a Wikidata edit-a-thon?
      • Paloma – Potential to share UT Libraries testing with Wikidata in Primo? 
      • Ann – What about something related to AI?
      • Benn – By May 2025 there might already be some AI features in Production on Primo 
      • Melanie – Need to connect whatever we are showcasing in Primo to Digital Libraries topic/audience
      • Melanie - possibilities of UTL local authority file (now managed in UTBox) and Wikidata
      • Right now it is frustrating because the author card/Person entity in Primo only gets created if there is a LCNAF authority linked to it
  • Intros for any new attendees 
  • Review action items from last meeting

Updates from the field: recent conference and webinar takeaways


Ex Libris webinars:

  • September 26, 2024 - Freeing Librarians with Linked Open Data: What’s Available, In-Progress, and the Future, Presented by a panel of librarians, Americas and EMEA
  • Webinar Wednesday, October 30. 2024 - Using Linked Open Data in Primo VE - Person Entity, 10:00-11:00am CST | Register
    • Melanie plans to attend
    • Questions to raise on behalf of this group?

LD4 conference October 7-11

  • Who attended and can share takeaways?
    • Paloma and Katie did not have the chance to attend
    • Elliot attended a few sessions, noted practicality of Sinopia session
      • PCC Sinopia Cataloging Affinity Group – a few people sharing their experience
      • Ann is attending 

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2024

PCC Linked Data (BIBFRAME and beyond) Tactical Planning Meeting (Hybrid)
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024 (8:30am-5:00pm, Eastern)
Note: The agenda for this closed meeting will be posted when it becomes available. A summary of the meeting's outcomes will be made available after the meeting.

Review Person Entity Feature in UTL Primo Sandbox

Primo Sandbox environment

ExLibris documentation

Summary of features and concerns

  • Primo list-serv discussion in last month or so includes concerns about:
    • records with authorized LC headings not displaying any LOD person functionality as expected
    • For prolific authors, Titles in Library By feature displays more titles where author is contributor than is creator (algorithm issues, sorting "by Date" isn't panning out well)

Any specific testing folks would like to do?

Debrief on OCLC Entities and Meridian
  • Use case of the local authority list at UT Libraries for ETD' supervisors → would this be a good test use for OCLC entity creation using Meridian? (business case)
  • Live test of OCLC entities search for UT Austin people (Benn was signed in with WorldCat login, so maybe more data was available that way?)
  • What about ORCID IDs? Do the superviors have ORCID IDs?
  • Melanie – We could use openrefine to reconcile with ORCID and see who does
  • Elliot - the problem with ORCID is that we can not create the entity for them. They have to create it themselves
Review OCLC workspace in Postman
  • Group viewing of the OCLC 6+ minute video – How to use Postman to work with the OCLC API (video shared by Benn, requires WorldCat login to access)
  • The video shows how to start using the OCLC API in Postman
  • You can extend that OCLC demo, to work with ExLibris APIs
  • Benn can share keys to work with both OCLC APIs and the ExLibris APIs (in sandbox environment)
Looking aheadall
  • Next (and last of 2024) meeting on December 18, 11am-12:30pm
    • Agenda ideas: updates from Hanlin & student on Wikidata research, retrospective review of 2024, brainstorm goals and ideas for 2025
  • Shifting to 2:30-4pm time block (4th Wednesdays still) in Spring 2025

Action items

  • add items