2016-08-18 Meeting notes





  • Round robin - new collections, staffing changes, new projects or ideas, updates, questions
  • Special Collections newsletter update
  • Society of American Archivists post-conference wrap-up
    • How'd it go? What did you learn? Who did you meet?
    • What sessions/workshops/roundtables/sections/meet-ups were great?
    • Didn't go? What questions do you have for folks who did?

Discussion items

10 minRound robinDaniela Lozano (HRC)
  • mater building planning meeting w/ architects (pending approval & funding: want more classrooms, new DH lab, be more welcoming, more gathering spaces, organize collections by type, deaccessions, LSF, compact shelving, elevator reform)
  • some staff reorganization happening
    • Mielke will be HRC archivist & maybe still head of archives cataloging, but Mary Alice & Jackie will report elsewhere.
    • hiring new rare books curator, HR person, receptionist/readingroom assistant, art/photography cataloger (LAII), art curator (Mears) is retiring, Pat Fox (reading room) retiring.
    • Daniela is still working on Ian Sinclair. Lots of new projects starting up soon.
    • Kait Dorsky did ally trianing through the diversity center, may arrange training at HRC.
10 minRound robinEvelina Stulgaityte (Tarlton)
  • Law School renovation almost complete, was affecting library access, they lost some space, but got new circ desk, area looks nicer.
  • Just finished processing huge, on-deposit Uniform Law Commission collection, will be digitizing whole thing (for access, so PDFs not TIFFs), work-studies start Sept 1st.
  • Evelina processing Dean Keaton papers.
  • Finished EB Pickett papers (mid-century lawyer, UT alum), scanned 1 year of correspondence & put it in ContentDM.
  • Kate (archives assistant) going full time next week, but 1/2 in archives 1/2 in rare books, reprocessing Helen Hargrave (former law librarian) collection.
10 minRound robinJennifer Hecker (UT Libraries)
  • UTL reorg update
  • no one took notes
45 minSAA post-conf wrap-upJennifer Hecker (UT Libraries)
  • no notes

Action items
