Other Language Spoken

MADS Element: fieldOfActivity

Element DefinitionIncludes a field of endeavor or business, area of expertise, or area of competence of a person.
AILLA Definition A list of any other languages that this person speaks or knows well.
Form option

Auto-suggest text field

Form Required?Recommended
AILLA Required?Recommended
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
TypeDefines the category for the dataother languagemads:fieldOfActivity[@type="other language"]to be added
AuthoritySupplies the name of the authoritative list used for the controlled vocabulary/valuesaillaLanguagemads:fieldOfActivity[@authority="aillaLanguage"]to be added
URI@valueURI="URI of Language object" is flag for some automation process to insert the URI of the corresponding Language objecthttp://islandora-ailla.lib.utexas.edu/islandora/object/ailla:119496mads:fieldOfActivity[@valueURI="URI of Language object"]to be added

<fieldOfActivity type="other language" authority="aillaLanguage" valueURI="http://islandora-ailla.lib.utexas.edu/islandora/object/ailla:119496"/>