Place of Origin

MADS Element: note

Element DefinitionGeneral textual information relating to a person.
AILLA Definition The locations that the person identifies as her/his place of origin, identified as specifically as possible, e.g. town or city, state, country, department, county, etc.
Form option


Form Required?Recommended
AILLA Required?Recommended
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
TypeDefines the data as biographical/historical databiographical/historicalmads:note[@type="biographical/historical"]to be added
Display LabelDefines the text that is used to display near the text when displayed on Persons page on AILLA sitePlace of Originmads:note[@displayLabel="Sex"]to be added

<note type="biographical/historical" displayLabel="Place of Origin">North Carolina, USA</note>