
MADS Element: affiliation

Element DefinitionAllows for encoding the full affiliation and contact information for a person or organization, including position, organization name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, and a date that the contact information was valid.
AILLA Definition A list of any language research organizations or projects in which this person participated.
Form option

Auto-suggest text field

Form Required?Optional
AILLA Required?Optional
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
OrganizationDefines the type of affiliation to an organization mads:affiliation/mads:organizationto be added
AuthoritySupplies the name of the authoritative list used for the controlled vocabulary/valuesaillaOrganizationmads:organization[@authority="aillaOrganization"]to be added
URI@valueURI="URI of Organization object" is flag for some automation process to insert the URI of the corresponding Organization object[@valueURI="URI of Organization object"]to be added


    <organization authority="aillaOrganization" valueURI=""/>
