Bioinformatic Jobs at UT

Bioinformatic Jobs at UT

Bioinformatic jobs currently available at the University of Texas

  1. Join the BioITeam (BioInformaticsTeam) at the University of Texas' Center for Biomedical Research Support (CBRS) as a staff Research Scientist. Typical work may involve whole genome and transcriptome assembly, comparative genomics, metagenomics, and eQTL analysis. Click here to begin your application process.
  2. Join the BioITeam (BioInformaticsTeam) at the University of Texas' Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology as a staff Research Scientist. Typical work may involve human sequence variation analysis, analysis of gene expression and regulation, proteomic and genomic co-analyses, and systems modeling. Click here to begin your application process

Both positions are part of a larger "virtual" team of bioinformaticians across the University from the GSAF, TACC, and SSC as well as the home departments of CCBB and CSSB. By working together, we're efficiently building a knowledge base for our students and faculty for cutting-edge research in many fields. Both positions will work on defined research projects across many departments and colleges within the University, partnering with leading-edge scientists in many domains. Typical assignments will be for 6 to 12 months, usually with two or three projects operating in parallel.

We don't expect successful candidates will know everything; they should produce top-quality work, be willing to share their knowledge broadly, and be willing to learn. The BioITeam is a great place to contribute what you know while also branching out and learning new biology, new approaches, and new analytical techniques from a wide range of world-class researchers.

In either position, you have access to not one but two and soon three Top-500 supercomputing clusters at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. You'll never be resource constrained in this thriving environment!