Mass Processes in Workday - Professional Track Faculty


See Workday: Mass Process Guidance.

Mass processes are intended to ease the administrative burden on processing offices for high-volume transactions. For faculty, most mass processes are related to the management of professional track appointments. Mass processes fall into two categories:

1) Automatic Mass Processes:

a) Monthly Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process
b) Non-Tenure (Professional) Track Inactive 3-Years Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process  

2) User-Initiated Mass Processes

a) Non-Tenure (Professional) Track Faculty Lateral Reclassification Mass Process 
b) Non-Tenure (Professional) Track Faculty Mass Transactions

See tabs below for information on each type.

For more information, see Workday: Mass Process Guidance.

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Karla Steffen 1 (474 days ago)