Digital Media Labs and CMB Proctor - Student Worker Policies

Digital Media Labs and CMB Proctor - Student Worker Policies

General Information

  • Install the Humanity App on you phone
  • Install the LiveSafe App on your phone - App to communicate with UTPD


Lab Hours

Monday - Thursday 8AM to 10PM

Friday 8AM to 5PM

Saturday 12PM to 5PM - these proctors open and close Saturday

Sunday 12PM to 10PM

NOTE THE GRAD HALLWAY CMB 4.112 can be used by authorized grad students 24/7 so that room doesn't really close and no need to ask individuals to leave at the end of the day.

Keys and Codes

You will not get a key.   You will get your keys from the "Key Watcher" box.  You need to get access to the "Key Watcher" box from IT admin efrain.colon@austin.utexas.edu  Office is in CMA 3.104

You will use your ID to take to the "Key Watcher" Box in CMA 3.122 - Put the code in to the room door lock to open the door and then swipe your ID on the "Key Watcher" box to get the proctor key.

Return the proctor key at the end of your shift.  If you forget and go all the way home it's okay don't have to come back but return it ASAP the next day.

The suites that are keybox access you will get codes to open the rooms tech staff will send you codes

Here is how to use the keyboxes

Keybox Codes - How to open the key box to gain access to the room

If you have a key please return it to locks and keys and get it off your record.


Proctor Scheduling

We use Humanity Shiftplanner to coordinate shifts.

Keep your contact information (email / phone number) up-to-date in the app.  

Please also download the ICP Humanity ShiftPlanning mobile app on your IPhone or Android they have apps for both

The Humanity schedule is the official schedule.  If you verbally trade a shift and it is not on the schedule WE DON'T SEE IT.  IT IS NOT A SCHEDULED CHANGE.

    1. Create a shift trade request in Humanity - Shiftplanning. If there is no reply, it is your responsibility to call, text or personally email other student workers to obtain shift coverage. 
    2. Inform your supervisors comm-production@austin.utexas.edu at least two days or ASAP in advance after you have tried all of the above and could not find coverage for your scheduled shift.
    3. If you agree to fill someone else's shift, you are responsible for covering that shift. 
  • Illness:
    • Please do not come into work if you are not feeling well. Send a shift release request through Humanity portal.
    • Please send an email to comm-production@austin.utexas.edu as soon as you know you are too ill to make your shift.  This should happen BEFORE the beginning of your shift.
    • Please contact the production team if you become ill during your shift and cannot complete your assigned hours. 
  • Emergencies:
    • if you have a family or medical emergency and are unable to work.
    • ASAP Please contact production team via email comm-production@austin.utexas.edu and TEXT Susanne 512-517-1387 


Timesheets are created/submitted in Workday.  https://workday.utexas.edu/

Timesheets should be submitted by noon every Monday.  Timesheets are due bi-weekly every month (mid and end of month). It is your responsibility to fill out your timesheet accurately and submit it on time.

Late timesheets are not acceptable unless there are issues beyond your control. More than one reminder to submit your timesheet on time can result in warnings and possible dismissal.

Here is how to fill in - Review and Submit a timesheet

Workday - How To Fill In and Submit a Time-Sheet

UT employees need to use authorized email addresses.
If you are still using a Gmail account to send UT Business emails to us you need to change your email account to a UT email address.

Email Address - Need to use UT email for UT business emails

If you do not currently have an Office 365 mailbox you can claim one at https://office365.austin.utexas.edu. There you will click Office 365 Management
For more information about all the Office 365 services please visit https://office365.utexas.edu.
UTmail is a UT branded *@utexas.edu Gmail account. It is an optional service primarily intended for students, but it is also available to employees that prefer this to Office 365. To claim a UTmail account please visit https://utmail.utexas.edu.
Register your official email address
Employee official email addresses must be changed in Workday. To set or change your official address. . .
  1. Login at workday at https://workday.utexas.edu/login.
  2. Type "Change My Contact Information" in the search box and open the page it finds.
  3. On the Change My Contact Information page scroll down to the Work Contact Information section and update the Primary Email field.
    • Note that a Primary Email also exists in the Home Contact Information above this. You do not need to enter anything for your home primary email address.
Workday will not allow you to enter a non-university email address as your official employee address. If you have trouble entering your university email address please contact the workday team at askus@austin.utexas.edu or 512-471-8802. 

Adobe - Creative Cloud is Installed but No APPS in the labs.  - Apps can be installed when needed via Creative Cloud by Students, Proctors and Staff no PW needed

Login is required however it is using the UT account not your personal Adobe Account - Note that when students and faculty ask

Adobe Apps Including Premiere Pro - How to Download from Creative Cloud and Install

Note that on the teaching stations all Adobe apps are installed but login is still required to launch.

AppSpace Reservation Software

  • Reservations in AppSpace- You will be making all reservations for students in the classrooms and studios for >Casting >Rehearsals and >Productions

Your EID will be added to AppSpace as an authorized user by management

You will get an activation email so activate your account here is how to activate your account in AppSpace

Signing up to the Appspace cloud service via invitation email

Next - Setup concierge view so you can see all the studios and classrooms

Concierge View - will help you see the room schedules all at once and so much easier than viewing each room one by one

Next - Go over how to use AppSpace to make reservations

Studio Reservation Procedure - Very Important to follow all the steps

Students will fill out the Reservation Form printed out on the clipboard.  Here is a link to the form 

You will make their reservation according to the information on the form using AppSpace Concierge View and the Reservation workflow

  • you will be presented with this screen. Before you click DONE -

  • PLEASE HAND THE STUDENT our printed Studio Reservation Policy also on a clipboard at the desk - here is a link to the document 
  • UT Moody - CMB Studio Rules
  • Go over the rules briefly with the student and then . . 
  • Explain to them that they need to read it thoroughly and email Studio Manager Jeremy Gruy jgruy@austin.utexas.edu with any questions.

Additional AppSpace Wikis for reference


Checkout Items and Workflow:

  • Checkout headphones, keyboards, wacom pens, pocket wizzard, cable adapters USBC etc
  • Get their UTID not a TDL - no cellphone no keys - ONLY there UTID
  • Put their ID in the binder and label with a sticky note what they took
  • Return their ID only when they return the item - if there is an issue that someone wants their ID and doesn't have the item to return call tech staff

Understanding the "Computer Servers"

Down time

  • Organize the desk drawers - locker - Check headphones wipe them down
  • Keep the facilities clean!!! We want everyone to enjoy a nice clean working environment.  Wipe down the monitors, desks and toss out trash.
  • Organize the chairs between classes 
  • Turn off projectors if no class is in classroom or studio
  • UTLEARN Modules you are required to complete these.
  • See this website https://utlearn.utexas.edu/ 

Linkedin Learnning https://utexas.csod.com/ui/lms-learner-home/home?tab_page_id=-200300006&tab_id=-2

– It’s free for students

Shift Responsibilities - What to do when you are working

  • 1st Thing CHECK IN ON THE RADIO so tech staff and other proctor knows you are here "Comm-Production - this is YOUR NAME - checking in" - WEEKENDS Text Susanne Kraft
  • Learn how to use the TWO WAY RADIO and use it to check in with COMM-PRODUCTION and when leaving check out with COMM-PRODUCTION and have the next proctor check in.
  • Always have your ID and Checked out KEY with you while you are on duty
  • Opening/closing duty checklists are to be completed daily see theses links.   CMA - DML - Digital Media Labs PROCTORS Checklists - CMB - Proctor Open and Closing Checklist
  • If you are not opening and closing after you arrive for your shift and check in look around at the classrooms and or studios and try to neaten up chairs and turn off projectors if not in use
  • Cleaning is always necessary and appreciated.  Please clean teaching station desks, Crestron Touch Panels and keyboards.  Wipe down desks and computer screens and keyboards.
  • Get proficient in AppSpace Software Reservations 
  • YOUR EID is now ADMIN - YOU can install stuff on the computers - BE CAREFUL and ask Tech Staff before installing anything 
  • Everyone is expected to keep their work areas tidy and free of clutter.  If you eat at the desk clean up after.  Don't need messy food leftovers.
  • Restroom breaks / breaks can be taken as needed leave a note with the time you will be back.
  • Email "comm-production@austin.utexas.edu" with a summary of your shift. This can be a simple report that you had no issues. 
    • Include info the tech staff should be aware of, checked out items that never got returned, student requests, etc… Anything that occurred during the shift is good info.

CMB Studio Guidelines

  • Schedule is on the touchscreens on the doors 
  • Classes are booked in the studios Monday - Thursday 9AM till 10PM (Friday only RTF318 in a couple of studios)
  • All other times are open for Student and Faculty reservations
  • Weekends the studios will be mostly accessed by proctors letting students with reservations into the studios
  • BACS (card swipe) access is used for students that have been approved to use the studios for larger shoots and projects that occur out of proctored hours
  • If a student has BACS access ask them to please confirm they indeed can open and lock the studio with their ID
  • All studios must be vacated and locked at 10PM Monday - Thursday and Sunday 5PM on Friday and Saturday (unless the user has BACS access that has been confirmed)
  • Checkout Equipment may be left in Studios after RTF labs Monday - Thursday nights but lock the studio with the equipment in there.  
  • Checkout staff will pick it up by 8AM the next morning

Final Notes:

If you are working the later shifts check out "Sure Walk" and the Ambassadors Program


West Campus Ambassador’s Program:


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