Room Reservation Policy

Room Reservation Policy


Last Modification: November 2022

The following rooms will be restricted on Appspace to two authorized administrators per unit: DMC 5.208 Briefing Room, DMC 5.102 Presentation Room, and DMC 2.106 Auditorium. Units include departments, schools, centers, and the dean’s office (undergrad/grad ed, etc.)

Only authorized administrators will be able to view these rooms on Appspace to reserve them. During the room reservation process, administrators will be required to review the room guidelines and then click Agree acknowledging that the following guidelines specified in Appspace will be adhered to:

DMC 5.208 Briefing Room

This room may only be used by faculty, staff, teaching assistants, and assistant instructors within the Moody College of Communication. No organized or regular classes or reoccurring meetings. Reservations may not be requested by students, or for non-College sponsored functions, or by student groups. The on-site coordinator is responsible for the condition and proper use of the room. If the room is left unclean or damaged, a University of Texas at Austin account number will be required to be provided to the Dean’s Office. Food and drink may be served on the condition that the room is cleaned by the event organizers and all food-related trash removed and placed into a large hallway receptacle after the event and in time for evening custodial pickup. No tapes, nails, hooks, etc., may be placed on the walls either inside or outside the room. All chairs, tables, and equipment must be wiped down and returned to their original locations. Remember to lock the door when you leave.

DMC 5.102 Presentation Room

This room may only be used by faculty, staff, teaching assistants, and assistant instructors within the Moody College of Communication. No organized or regular classes or reoccurring meetings. Reservations may not be requested by students, or for non-College sponsored functions, or by student groups. The on-site coordinator is responsible for the condition and proper use of the room. If the room is left unclean or damaged, a University of Texas at Austin account number will be required to be provided to the Dean’s Office. Popcorn, snacks, and beverages may be served on the condition that the room is cleaned by the event organizers and all food-related trash removed and placed into a large hallway receptacle after the event and in time for evening custodial pickup. No tapes, nails, hooks, etc., may be placed on the walls either inside or outside the room. All chairs, tables, and equipment must be wiped down and returned to their original locations. Remember to lock the door when you leave.


DMC 2.106 Auditorium

Regularly scheduled classes take precedence over all other requests for this room. For use by Moody College of Communication faculty, staff, teaching assistants, assistant instructors, or College sponsored events. No reoccurring events. The on-site coordinator is responsible for the condition and proper use of the room. If the room is left unclean or damaged, a University of Texas at Austin account number will be required to be provided to the Dean’s Office. Popcorn, snacks, and beverages may be served on the condition that the room is cleaned by the event organizers and all food-related trash removed and placed into a large hallway receptacle after the event and in time for evening custodial pickup. For weekend events and events that start after 4pm on weekdays, a College faculty or staff member must serve as an event coordinator who will be responsible for the condition of the room, including unlocking and locking the room. This room is held for special college lectures and events on MWF 4-6pm and TTh 5-7 pm.

  • The Dean’s Office will review room calendars and spaces periodically to ensure that guidelines are being followed. If guidelines are not being met, room privileges could be revoked.
  • To request to reserve college outdoor spaces (DMC lawn, CMA Cronkite Plaza) and Studio 6A, please email comm-roomres@austin.utexas.edu.
  • To request to reserve DMC or CMA Lobbies, please email comm-roomres@austin.utexas.edu. Please note lobby guidelines below:

Lobbies may only be reserved by faculty and staff within the Moody College of Communication. No organized or regular classes. The individual requesting the lobby is responsible for the condition and proper use of the space. Clean up and return furniture to its original set up before leaving. The lobby may not be reserved when classes or exams are in session on the same floor.