Submit a Story Idea

Submit a Story Idea

Life & Letters magazine

Audience: The College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin publishes Life & Letters magazine for our community of scholars, alumni and friends.

Frequency: Twice a year; spring and fall.

Our mission: The magazine supports our readers’ commitment to a lifetime of learning by providing them with high quality content that is interesting, thought provoking and useful to both their professional and personal lives. Overall the magazine promotes the necessity and value of the liberal arts to our society, culture and the quality of our daily lives.

The Print Magazine

Each issue includes three or four feature stories (1,500-3,000 words), covering a rich and diverse range of topics within the liberal arts. Most features include three to five sources, which draw upon the expertise of our faculty, staff, alumni and students. We offer a multi-disciplinary perspective on a given topic, while sharing an interesting story.

The Knowledge Matters section covers the college’s current top news, research and achievements. Items in this section range from 150 to 500 words.

Campus Life is a sampling of notable college-related events across campus and within our college community. If you would like to see your event featured, please submit a brief event description and photography (permission-granted, caption and credit) for consideration.

The book section is comprised of a featured author interview, reading recommendations and a sample of new or forthcoming books from our faculty, staff and alumni. For consideration, please submit new and forthcoming book titles, including: author, publisher, publication date, brief description and cover art.

Do you know alumni, faculty, staff or students who have interesting stories to tell or wisdom worth sharing? Maybe it’s someone whose work is making an impact on society, who shows leadership and innovation in their field, is doing something in a unique or cool way, or just has that intangible “gee whiz” quality. If so, our magazine is always looking for recommendations for Q&As and profiles.

The Digital Magazine

The digital version of Life & Letters magazine is updated on a regular basis. It publishes feature stories, Q&As, profiles and op-eds on today’s hot topics.


Life & Letters is produced by the College of Liberal Arts Office of Public Affairs. We do accept contributed pieces on a select basis. 

Send story pitches and new/forthcoming books to:
Dan Oppenheimer, Editor

Send event info to:
Emily Nielsen, Staff writer

Mailing address:
Life & Letters magazine
116 Inner Campus Drive, G6000
Austin, TX 78712-1257

Public Affairs

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