Financial Training Resources

Financial Training Resources

Accounting and Financial Management Training Resources includes resources on a variety of topics such as DEFINE, Accounting Basics, Inventory, Scholarships, Vouchers, EOM and much more. https://afm.utexas.edu/resources/training-resources 

AskUs is a repository of answers to frequently asked questions about university-wide systems and processes. If you do not find the information you're looking for, use the Ask a Question tab to get support from an askUS Support team member. https://austin-utexas.custhelp.com/ 

Financial Fundamentals (Self-Paced Learning) is intended for anyone new to UT financial systems, whether you are a document initiator, approver, or viewer of financial-related data. The lessons in this course are designed to teach the foundational concepts of UT financial systems. While course content is presented for an entry-level audience, experienced users may find individual lessons helpful as a knowledge refresher. https://workday.utexas.edu/training/self-paced/financial-fundamentals 

FRMS Training Resources provides information on Transfers, Awards, Inventory, and UT Market. https://afm.utexas.edu/resources/frms-training 

LinkedIn Learning gives information on how to get started, recommended learning for UT staff, and FAQs. https://hr.utexas.edu/learning-development/online-learning/linkedin-learning 

UT Learn is UT Austin’s employee training management system. https://utlearn.utexas.edu/ 

Workday Reporting provides information on available reports and dashboards in Workday, job costing and financials reporting, ERP report runner as well as training videos and FAQs. https://workday.utexas.edu/resources/reporting 

Workday Financial Transaction Guidance provides resources on Allocation Details, Account Balances, Fringe, Encumbrances, Stopgap Accounts and Retroactive Costing Changes.   https://afm.utexas.edu/resources/workday-financial-transaction-guidance 

CoLA Training Resources Folder on UT Box (Business, HR and Finance). Available to senior staff. 

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