President's Associates Graduate Teaching Excellence Award
President's Associates Graduate Teaching Excellence Award
Visit the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost webpage for in-depth details about the award.
- Full Nomination Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024
- Upload to: UT Box Teaching Awards Submission Folder
- Please note: COLA deadlines differ from those posted on the Provost/UT System sites; all nominations must be submitted to COLA by the COLA deadline
- Award qualifications and required materials are provided via the EVPP link above
- Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF; label documents as: “LName, FName_COLA_2022.pdf”
- Specific President’s Awards notes:
- President’s award packets are now limited to 10 pages total (not including the cover page)
- The two letters of support are limited to 3 pages combined, ideally written by the department chair and a student