Implement New Records Retention Schedule

Implement New Records Retention Schedule

he following describes the process for implementing the use of a new records retention schedule in Meridian. 

Implement New Records Retention Schedule

1. Determine new location in filing system for schedule. If the schedule is replacing an older schedule, 
 it may be best to adopt the same filing code used by the older schedule.

2. Determine length of time office will keep schedule's convenience copies. Make sure that this
retention period is shorter than that of the master record's. 


3. Enter new schedule(s) into "ICM_RecordSeries" Access table. 
(\\ops-meridian2\acad-plus$\VPUOPROD\Support) Enter both convenience copy and master record versions.

4. Record series being applied to records already in Meridian? Yes: Proceed to Step 5. No: Proceed to step 8.


5. Apply new schedule to applicable Meridian records.

6. Remove obsolete schedules from "ICM_RecordSeries" Access table (if applicable).

7. Remove obsolete schedule(s) from "UTRRS Code + UTRRS Record Title" table (if applicable).
(\\jargon\VPECS\ECS\Meridian\VPUO Meridian Records Disposal\Authorization to Dispose Master Records)

8. Enter new schedule(s) into "UTRRS Code + UTRRS Record Title" table. 
(\\jargon\VPECS\ECS\Meridian\VPUO Meridian Records Disposal\Authorization to Dispose Master Records)

9. Update "VPUO Filing System and Records Retention Schedule" Excel file with all changes.
(\\ECS-files\vpecs\ECS\VPECS Documents\VPECS File Documents\Records Management Project\OECS Records Mgmt. Keys)

10. Add changes to Meridian_RM Change Log and University Operations Document Management Wiki. 
Meridian_RM Change Log: \\jargon\VPECS\ECS\Meridian\Meridian_RM Change Log - nmh


11. Circulate internal email about changes that apply to Support Staff.