ADA Accomodations
A standard student services with disabilities (SSD) accommodation is extra time for exams and quizzes. This 1.5 or 2x time will be applied to all learning modules that have the 'optional time limit' box checked with a non zero number put in the box below for the semester. It will not be applied to those assignments with just a start date and due date (without the timed element applied).
Applying ADA time
- have UT eid and amount (1.5, 2x) time.
- go to lbtest sys admin ( )
- enter in ut eid (find)
- click ada tab (2nd)
- select ada type (ie 1.5x, or 2x), add.
- confirmed when shows under add button. (can also delete with red trash can)
checking ADA time applied (by masq as instructor)
- masq as instructor on sys admin ( )
- shortcut/instructor to get instructor view
- drill down into a course/specific assignment that (test/exam/quiz) that has timed element to it
- on left side bar, click ‘exam dashboard’
- notice ADA multiplier (can sort with arrows) – 1x time is standard, ADA kids will have the applied 1.5x or 2x
Other considerations:
Any additional non-standard time allotments (ie 1.5x time +10 minutes) will need to be applied manually by the instructor using the 'exam dashboard' page on lbtest. In the 1.5x time +10 minutes example 1.5x is applied, but the extra 10 minutes will need to be applied for the particular student on the exam dashboard.
Students with ADA time extensions may need a late submit in order for them to be able to use their time and not get cut off at the due date. More info on the offerings and limitations of different time relaxers may be found here.