Specify Data tab: Specimen Prep

Specify Data tab: Specimen Prep

In this context, specimen preparation means actions taken to either get a specimen ready for being housed in the repository or for specific research. Some examples would be opening a field jacket and using an air scribe and other tools to free the specimen from the surrounding matrix, using an approved consolidant to stabilize a fossil, and using saws and grinding wheels to  to prepare thin sections of a fossil coral.


All specimen prep is recorded in Specify. When working on a specific collection object, you would open that record in Specify, put the form in Edit mode and then click on the Specimen Prep button.

If you are working on a field jacket, use the Side bar list under the Data tab to open a Prep Record that is not bound to a specific cataloged specimen. Be sure to note the jacket ID (2).

You will change tools and consolidants many times over the course of working a preparation assignment, so please just click the green plus sign and make a new record.

Although at this time, Specify does not allow attachments to this field please photograph the preparation process at regular intervals.




1) Date field: Record the start and end date of each record.

2) Field jackets are assigned a number in the field. Take a photograph of the field jacket before you open it.

3) There is a set list of consolidants that can be used with specimens in the repository.

4) These are the tools made available to trained personnel.

4a) Details about the tool used- carbide tips, tip shape, type of brush etc.,

5) Describe the method used to prepare the specimen.

    circled area: the green '+' gives you a new blank record.



Prep Tools and Consolidant are drop-down fields. Unlisted materials are not to be used. Ever. The collection manager can be petitioned to add consolidants, but until a consolidant is approved, it cannot be used.If you would like to use something not already on those fields, please get approval from the collection manager before proceeding.



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