Specify Labels- On Loan

Specify Labels- On Loan

All specimens that leave the lab have to have loan labels. We don't send out original labels with specimens- too much can go wrong. What we do instead is use a double-label technique that is automatically generated in Specify. These labels are tied to a query that will make one label with all the important information for the researcher, and another label with all the information that anyone looking in the drawer for that specimen will want to know.

Again, just click the OnLoanLabel option from the Labels section of the Reports tab. It takes a bit for the query window to pop up, but that's normal. Set the role to borrower (or, if a student is borrowing the specimens, set it to Sponsor). Enter the loan number in the correct field and hit OK. Once the labels are generated, print the print icon in the upper left. DO NOT print on both sides of the paper.

The loan label is a 2 part label. The labels do not say which one is which, but the header at  the top of each page will help you keep track. Also, notice the features of each label. Again, the In-house label goes in the drawer as a placeholder for the specimen going on loan. The Specimen label goes with in the package alongside the specimen, in lieu of the original specimen label.





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