How to Fundraise for an Event (Policies for Ticketing and Donations)

How to Fundraise for an Event (Policies for Ticketing and Donations)

Students interested in fundraising as part of their projects should follow the guidelines below in conversation with their faculty advisors:

  • For REGISTERED student organizations (i.e. officially registered with the Dean of Students): Any request to accept donations, sell tickets or sell concessions must be approved by both the Building Manager and the Chair. All requests for registered organizations should be emailed to TADFacilities@utexas.edu and tdchair@austin.utexas.edu.
  • For UNREGISTERED student organizations (i.e. not registered with the Dean of Students, but operating as an extension of the department): Any collection of funds is not permitted. This includes ticket sales, concessions and donations.
  • For THESIS PROJECTS or other projects that exist as part of degree completion or coursework: Any collection of funds is not permitted. This includes ticket sales, concessions and donations. This applies to projects occurring both on and off campus.

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