1) Format options are: Book, Dissertation, Electronic Media, Paper, Selection in Book, Serial, Technical Report and Thesis. Most of the are self evident, but a few need further explanation.
- Dissertation is a publication put out by PhD candidates
- Electronic Media: jounrals like PlosOne that only publish in a digital format
- Paper: this is for regularly published journals
- Serial: used when items are from publications that are not published regularly such as Special Papers in Palaeontology or American Museum Novitates
- Thesis: publication put out my Masters candidates
2) For the title, please use title-case (first letter capitalized on all words except the, of, and, is, etc.,). Do not enter a title in all caps. It's easiest to google for the title and just copy/paste it into this field.
3) Every book, every journal has a publisher. If you have the journal or book it will be listed in the first or last page of the journal, and in some cases on the cover. If you have a print out of an article, you'll have to find the journal's web page and find the information there.
4) Place of Publication will be in the same place as where the publisher is listed.
5) Please use the date the article was printed on. Sometimes we get advance prints, and in some cases we see 2 dates- one for electronic publishing and another for print publication. Please use standard mm/dd/yyyy for the format.
6) The volume of the publication will normally be printed on the cover and spine of the journal. If you have a printed copy of a paper, in the upper left hand section of the first page will have a citation. The volume and issue are usually together, formatted like 87(5) with 87 being the volume and 5 being the issue
7) The issue number is normally in parentheses.
8) Pages refers to the start and end page of the article.
9) Record how many plates/figures are in the reference.
10) The Journal field is a look up field, so type the first bits of the name of the journal and hit the arrow. If the journal is not listed, let the librarian know.
11) This is the library call number. Please include the name of the library.
12) Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) numbers and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), which are unique numbers, go here.
13) Please only put stable URL's in this spot. Most publication aggregators will label their stable URL's.
14) Remarks, in this context, are limited to any special details about the reference. Examples would be 'Published without specimen numbers' and 'Additional materials found at (stable URL)'.
15) Please enter the Author's name in order they are listed in the publication. Use the green plus sign to enter more than one author on the publication.