Other District Placement Information

All non-AISD/RRISD placements must be made directly with the district through their placement coordinator following each districts’ placement procedures.  TEA considers Charter Schools as “districts.”  Contact Education Services (512-471-1308) for assistance with charter school contact information.

Education Services will still require a signed Cooperating Teacher Agreement form that has been approved by the teacher’s principal from every teacher hosting a student.  A Generic form can be found on the Education Services Wiki (Cooperating Teacher Applications).

DistrictContact InformationCT Recruitment Form/Info for CoordinatorStudents MUST
Round Rock ISD

Donald Davis, Teacher Recruiter


(512) 464-5044

Send RRISD's interest form to CTs you are recruiting.

Students apply with the district .

Pflugerville ISD

Natasha Drumgoole, PfISD Assistant Director of Human Resources


(512) 594-0015

No CT Recruitment Form Needed

Placements must be made using PfISD placement procedures and timelines.  See  District Information for details.

Students apply with the district
Del Valle ISD

Raquel Martinez (placement contact)


Lindsey Gonzalez, Director of HR


Send Generic CT Agreement Form to CTs you are recruiting. 

Students apply with the district .

Manor ISD

James Quorum, Director, Human Capital
Michelle Rocha, Substitute Specialist

James.quiram@manorisd.net , (512) 278-4021

michelle.rocha@manorisd.net , (512) 278-4468

Send Generic CT Agreement Form to CTs you are recruiting

Students apply with the district .

Leander ISD

Lisa Gibbs, Senior Director, Elementary Staffing & Employee Relations

lisa.gibbs@leanderisd.org , (512) 570-0104

Angie Rollmann, Coordinator for Interns/Observers/Student Teachers

angie.rollmann@leanderisd.org , (512) 570-0031

All placements need to go through the district HR office.  Do not contact teachers/principals directly before going through the HR office.  Please send placement requests to Angie Rollmann.

Once placement is approved with the district office, Send Generic CT Agreement Form to CT.

Students apply with the district 

Job 9235

Eanes ISD

Abby Bridges, Director of Human Resources

abridges@eanesisd.net , (512) 732-9014

Student placed in Eanes ISD will need to complete the district's online application.


Lake Travis ISD

Paola McIntyre

Mcintyrep@ltisdschools.org , (512) 533-6011

Placements are made through the district. See link for details.


Dripping Springs ISD

Andrea Dring, District Recruiter

Andrea.Dring@dsisdtx.us , (512) 858-3054


Tim Robinson, Director of Talent Acquisition

Tim.Robinson@hayscisd.net, (512) 268-8536, ext. 46054

Student Teacher Placement Contacts:

Mary Torres, Assistant Director

Ginger Blanchon, Director

For background checks, student needs to follow instructions at:


KIPP Austin Public Schools

Alfonso Ayala III

ayala@kippaustin.org  , (512) 766-4219

UT Elementary

Jennifer Montoya, Executive Assistant to Superintendent

j.montoya@austin.utexas.edu , (512) 232-1227

Deziree Calderon, Administrative Assistant (background checks)


DO NOT CONTACT SCHOOL- Ask Kelly Cruise for a list of interested CTs they provide if you want to place students at UT Elementary

Students complete the background check before they can begin placement.

Bastrop ISD

Jen Greene-Gast, Human Capital Development Coordinator

jengreenegast@bisdtx.org , (512) 772-7164

Montessori For AllBrigid Sanchez
Managing Director of District Operations
Cell- 626-222-3621

For background checks, students will need to complete the Montessori Application Form and bring it along with a state ID or driver's license with them on their first day of placement.  The student will meet with Claudia, Operations Manager, in the front office.  She will run a quick background check for their clearance.
Salado ISD

Susan Jackson


Assistant to the Superintendent

601 North Main

Salado, TX  76571



For background checks, students will need to complete the Salado ISD background form and submit to Susan Jackson at  sjackson@saladoisd.org 

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