Room Reservations
Room Reservations
All Department of Psychiatry faculty and staff have the ability to reserve rooms themselves. Follow instructions below.
Always check room availability before sending a reservation request.
Check Availability:
- In Outlook calendar, click on Open Calendar in the toolbar, then click from Address Book*
- In the search field, enter HLB, HDB, HTB (refer to Room List)
- Choose the room calendar you would like to add from the list, double click it and then click OK
- The calendar will open (may take a few minutes to load) and you may check availability. Be mindful of reserved times—reservations are approved on a first-come-first-served basis, i.e. do not reserve a time that is already booked, your request will be declined by the calendar administrator if there is a previous reservation.
Note: Once you open any calendar, it will appear on the left side of Outlook Calendar. You may rename the calendar to include the seating capacity, i.e. “HDB 4.110 (14 pp.)”. This will help when you need to reserve a room for a specific number of people; always choose the appropriate sized room, i.e. do not reserve the large conference room for two people.
*If you are looking for a room that the Address Book is not showing, click “from Room List” instead of “from Address Book” and then repeat the steps above.
Reserving a Room:
- After checking availability, create a New Appointment in Outlook calendar
- Click on Invite Attendees, then click on the To field/button
- Enter the name of the room you wish to book, for example HDB 5.110, select the correct room and click OK
- Send the invite along with the other attendees and meeting details
- The calendar administrator will receive your invite and will accept/deny your request for booking according to the rooms' availability
- You may check the status of your reservation at any time by opening the outlook meeting and clicking on Tracking
Best Practices: Conference Room Scheduling
, multiple selections available,
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