Office 365 Management - Distribution Groups & Lists

Office 365 Management - Distribution Groups & Lists

Office 365 accounts have access to Distribution Groups, also referred to as Distribution Lists, that provide a single intake email address that distributes received messages to member Office365 email accounts. Distribution Group mail accounts do not have dedicated mailbox folders, and are not considered resource accounts nor function like shared mailbox accounts.  All members of a distribution group must be UT Austin Office365 mailboxes, but are not limited to austin.utexas named addresses (ex nursing.utexas.edu or my.utexas.edu). UT Lists have similar mail distribution list services (including individuals outside of the university or UT System).

Login to the Office365 management tool here: Office 365 Management Tool.

You will be prompted to authenticate with your EID credentials.


Distribution Groups may be created by End Users or they can be created by the LAITS Service Desk

In the "My Services" section of the Office365.austin.utexas.edu Management Console, Users will have a Create Distribution Group area with three options, "Display Name", "Address" and "Advanced". In General, the Advanced option will not be used.


There are two means of altering the list of members and managers for a Distribution Group.

Direct Management

In the Office365.austin.utexas.edu Management console, under "My services", users will have a "Distribution Group Management" section. This section will list all Distribution Groups that user can Manage.

*Users will not have the other two tabs: My Users and User Lookup. These tabs are for Mailbox Managers.*

Updating Membership

Members and Managers can be added using the respective "Add" fields, either by direct email address, or using EID to auto-select the primary O365 mailbox for that user.  Attempting to Add a non-O365 account will not generate an error message, but the page will stall and pinwheel indefinitely.

Removing Users can be done at the same location, by selecting the member from the list box and choosing to remove.

Managers are not automatically Members and will not receive mail from the Distribution Group without also being entered into the Members list.