macOS UT Self Service

macOS UT Self Service

UT Self Service Overview

The Jamf Self Service for macOS is found within UT Self Service. This dashboard allows users to browse and install applications and Mac App Store apps, run helpful tasks, and open eBooks, PDFs, and bookmarks without requiring an administrator password.

Table of Contents

Where can I find UT Self Service?

  1. Navigate to the Applications Folder
  2. Look for the UT logo on your dock or in your Applications folder to find UT Self Service on your Mac. 

  3. UT Self Service should be listed alphabetically in the Applications folder on your Mac:     

  4. You can open UT Self Service it by double-clicking the icon.


UT Self Service via LaunchPad

The UT Self Service application can also be opened using LaunchPad. Click on the icon in Launchpad to open Self Service.

LaunchPad can be located with the Finder.


Self Service contains several applications, helpful tasks, and other tools. They are listed by category and the categories serve as a filter to help find the application you need.

Some applications or policies may appear in multiple categories. We will review the various categories below. 

All Category

When opening Self Service, the application starts in the "All" category – this lists everything except Bookmarks. 


Bookmarks Category

Our "Bookmarks" is listed at the top, but is not the default category. It lists several helpful links for our customers, including links to open a support ticket, start a support chat session, look at our wiki and more.

Printers Category

LAITS-managed printers can be found and installed with one click via the "Printers" category.

  • Choose "Install" and this will install all printer drivers and the printer connection for you to select and print.

Software Category

Our "Software" category serves as a catch-all for our software offerings. 

  • Choose "Install" to install the application to your computer.
  • Choose "Update" to update the application that is already installed on your machine.
  • "Up-To-Date" indicates the application is installed and updated to the latest version.

Tools / Troubleshooting Category

The "Tools / Troubleshooting" category lists policies and tools for common troubleshooting and problem solving tasks.

Searching Self Service

You can use the search bar on the top left of the Self Service app to look for an application.


App or Policy Descriptions

Clicking on the icon of a policy in Self Service will bring up the description for said policy.