UTBox Support

UTBox Support


UTBox is a campus-wide service that allows faculty, staff, and students at the University of Texas at Austin to use Box cloud-based file sharing for business and academic purposes. It is stewarded by the UT Information Security Office

UTBox can be accessed via https://utexas.box.com or from https://utbox.utexas.edu.

Access UTBox

Liberal Arts ITS Computer Support manages departmental accounts for units we provide support to.
Review the documentation below to get access to a departmental share, request a new one or access UTBox on your computer.

Departmental UTBox Shares

Access UTBox on your Computer

UTBox vs Other Storage Options

Getting Started with UTBox

Box provides a wide variety of documentation to help you get familiar with the Box service. Below you'll find some useful resources to learn how to interact with UTBox.

Information Security Office UTBox FAQ

The Information Security Office maintains a FAQ covering many frequently asked campus-wide questions about the UTBox service, including those about the types of data UTBox is approved for. Review the ISO FAQ here.