Having people in separate rooms make people leave
The culture of stay 9-5
How do we make people meet deadlines?
Extending the workday
We need to have progress measured by tasks and not time
Three things
Have workday progress checks
Have planned goals for each workday
Picking up lunch instead of going out for lunch
Need to give people tangible deadlines and checkpoints
The morning of people should understand exactly what deliverable they will complete
There’s no real way to actually make anyone do anything
We need more tangible seratonin checkpoints. People need immediate payoffs. Highlight dependencies and what will be unblocked
You have to reach a common understanding with people about deadlines and meeting them. Make everyone understand the importance of the work they do
We need more structure
What are we going to do differently next workday
Morning intro:
Have a predetermined milestone for each members
When someone leaves, have them check out with their lead, ask why they didn’t finish it
If they keep having unfinished tasks have a talk with them
Checking in
Clearly defined tasks set aside in system meeting
How do we involve members in parameterization
We need to get them done as soon as possible
The reason for them is to have a list of things you need to complete
We also want members to have involvement in the design process
These are at odds
It isn’t necessary to involve members. The leads can decide if they want to do it themselves or not
We need to break the rule of members not working during the week
What is it that we don’t know sheet
Have people have a specific question to answer with the research. Have a deliverable. Give them stakes.
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