2024-09-07 Workday Leads Meeting


Sep 7, 2024


  • @Philip Bortolotti


  • What is our primary goal this year. How much do we want to limit creativity

  • How much do we want to commit to daybreak

  • Why are people leaving workday early. What kind of stuff are we covering in weekly meetings

 Discussion topics












  • Why do we want to fix daybreak


  • What will the timeline look like


Are we satisfied with the amount of work we got done today?


  • Having people in separate rooms make people leave

  • The culture of stay 9-5

  • How do we make people meet deadlines?

  • Extending the workday

    • Won’t help the problem

  • We need to have progress measured by tasks and not time

  • Three things

    • Have workday progress checks

    • Have planned goals for each workday

    • Picking up lunch instead of going out for lunch

      • We will have catered lunch for the time being

  • Need to give people tangible deadlines and checkpoints

  • The morning of people should understand exactly what deliverable they will complete

  • There’s no real way to actually make anyone do anything

    • We need to make people feel like the stuff they are doing is actually important to finishing the car

      • Need to have a public timeline in general

  • We need more tangible seratonin checkpoints. People need immediate payoffs. Highlight dependencies and what will be unblocked

  • You have to reach a common understanding with people about deadlines and meeting them. Make everyone understand the importance of the work they do

    • Stop giving them stuff to keep them busy

  • We need more structure

  • What are we going to do differently next workday

    • Morning intro:

      • Leads will get up in front of everyone and go over

        • What tasks they will be working on each workday

        • What deliverables they will have by end of workday

    • Have a predetermined milestone for each members

    • When someone leaves, have them check out with their lead, ask why they didn’t finish it

    • If they keep having unfinished tasks have a talk with them

    • Checking in

      • Making sure they’re not stuck

      • Helping them

    • Clearly defined tasks set aside in system meeting

  • How do we involve members in parameterization

    • Requirements

      • We need to get them done as soon as possible

      • The reason for them is to have a list of things you need to complete

      • We also want members to have involvement in the design process

      • These are at odds

      • It isn’t necessary to involve members. The leads can decide if they want to do it themselves or not

  • We need to break the rule of members not working during the week

  • What is it that we don’t know sheet

  • Have people have a specific question to answer with the research. Have a deliverable. Give them stakes.










What does Philip need to bring


  • A number for track width

  • Onboarding proposal document

  • Research proposal document

  • Make a template for what each system needs to bring about daybreak

  • SRR format document





 Action items
