Composite Cutting 101

This is a quick summary of the Fibre Glast article on how to properly cutting composites.

Incorrectly cutting composites can cause

  • Dulled blades

  • Melted composites

    • Resin and cut fibers carry away relatively little heat – this increases chances of melting

  • If using the wrong type of bit

    • Prone to wear prematurely and introduce fraying or chipping along laminate edges



Cutting instructions

  • When cutting tubes or rods with a rotary tool, its recommend making cuts from the top down

  • Abrasive or grit-style cutoff wheels or drums, made from diamond or tungsten carbide are best for cutting

  • Diamond is recommended bc hardest natural material

  • The faster you can cut a composite, the better since less melting

    • PermaGrit is recommended due to this bc low grit so less heat gen since faster cut

      • I think this brand is only available in england so shipping gets expensive


Finishing cuts

  • Straighten/clean up edges using a sanding block

  • Apply a thin layer of epoxy to the cut and sanded edge to preserve it

    • Use a small brush or lint free cloth to apply