General recording instructions
- Beringer and mic
- Purchase adapter for macs
- Usb from berringer to laptop
- Mic just tk beringer
Ideal recording setting:
- The ideal recording setting is a quiet and private space with minimal or no ambient noise. Some additional considerations for ensuring an ideal recording environment:
- Switching off electronics that might emit low frequency sounds (lamps that buzz, thermostats, Desktop Computers, monitors, fans etc)
- Carpeted place (if possible)
- no vaulted ceilings and as deep into the house or building as possible (have less reverberation).
- No windows
- If recording at home, we ask participants to identify a place that might meet these requirements.
- Set up Audacity (current version: Audacity 3.4.2) – Need to update guia if Audacity has an update! we have to use always the most updated version
- Sampling rate 44,1000
- Monochannel- rename channel
- Select microphone
- Adjust gain
- Turn on 48v
- Mouth to mic distance= 4cm
- Mic at 45degree angle
- Turn on mic monitoring
- Comfortable /a/, 5 seconds- monitoring should fall between -20 and -12
- Adjust accordingly
- Louder /a/, 5 seconds- monitoring should fall between -20 and -12
- Adjust accordingly
- Measure SNR
- Complete 3 cycles of silence-softest /a/
- Select a 1 second segment of silence, get intensity with Praat
- Select a 1 second segment of softest /a/, get intensity with Praat
- Calculate SNR
Before a Connected Speech Session, preparation:
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