Panopto Remote Recorder Scheduling

Panopto Remote Recorder Scheduling

Scheduling Recordings for Classes (Faculty)

The instructions below are for Lecture Capture equipped Classrooms in UTC, GSB, CBA, RRH and CTM.  Please Watch This Video.

Please check the UT Classroom Database to verify your classroom is equipped with the relevant equipment.  UT Classroom Database

  1. When you are logged into your Canvas course, select the Panopto Video add in, click on +Create. 

  2. Select Scheduled Recording.  

    • NOTE: If Scheduled Recording is not available, please log into UT's Panopto site using your EID LOGIN. Afterward, return to Canvas, log out, and then log in to see Scheduled Recording under the +Create button (large burnt orange button at the top of the page).  This will auto populate your EID into the group that will enable Panopto Remote Recorders to show up for you in Canvas.

  3. Make sure you give your Recording/Session Information a uniquely identifiable name and choose the dates and times for the recordings.
  4. Choose the Primary remote recorder (aka your classroom) from the drop-down list.

    • NOTE: Please leave Secondary remote recorder blank.  This will cause problems if you select a Secondary remote recorder.

  5. Choose a Recording Template with desired sources. The choices are: 

    • Audio Only

    • Camera + Audio
    • Presentation + Audio

    • Presentation + Camera + Audio

  6. Do not edit the Quality Settings. Default quality settings are set for each unique classroom to provide the best quality possible.  Overriding these default settings potentially causes recording/playback issues.

  7. Make sure you click Create at the bottom left corner of the dialog to finish the process.

  8. Your class video recording will show up in the Panopto Video tab of your course after each recording is complete. Please review some of the videos after your first couple class sessions to verify your class recordings.
  9. Videos are auto-published unless you edit the schedule for alternate times desired.  See this Link to Enable "Publish" workflow to prevent videos from being immediately available to Students  You can email PanoptoHelp@mccombs.utexas.edu with recording name/dates/time/location if you would like to verify your recording schedule.

To view or edit your Scheduled Recordings you will need to enter UT's Panopto site.

Step 1-Panopto Remote Recorder Schedule

Step 2-Panopto Remote Recorder Schedule

Step 3-Panopto Remote Recorder Schedule

Step 4-Panopto Remote Recorder Schedule

Scheduling Recordings for Events (Staff/Faculty)

The instructions below are for Lecture Capture equipped Classrooms in UTC, GSB, CBA, RRH and CTM.  Please Watch This Video.

Please check the UT Classroom Database to verify your classroom is equipped with the relevant equipment.  

  1. Log into Panopto with your UTEID.  Panopto Remote Recorders WebUI  (Chrome works best) NOTE: You may need to Request Access to Schedule Panopto Remote Recorders.

  2. Select and click on a Remote Recorder to see the recorder Preview.

  3. Select the Schedule tab and then click on Schedule a recording.

  4. Make sure you give your Recording/Session Information a uniquely identifiable name and choose the dates and times for the recordings.

  5. Choose the Primary remote recorder (aka the room you want to record) from the drop-down list.

    • (NOTE: Please leave the Secondary remote recorder blank. This will cause problems if you select a Secondary remote recorder.)

  6. Choose a Recording Template with desired sources or leave it as —None Selected— to record all inputs.  The choices are:

    • Audio Only

    • Camera + Audio
    • Presentation + Audio

    • Presentation + Camera + Audio

  7. Options-Select Webcast Session if live streaming/or monitoring is desired. The link will be available in the Share tab of the event after scheduling is completed. 

    Note: Selecting Webcast will override the ability to Pause the Recording on the classroom Touch panel controls.

  8. Leave the Quality Settings as is. Default quality settings are set for each unique classroom to provide the best quality possible.  Overriding these default settings potentially causes recording/playback issues.

  9. Make sure you click Create at the bottom of the dialog to finish the process.

  10. Videos are auto-published unless you edit the schedule for alternate times desired. See this Link to Enable "Publish" workflow to prevent videos from being immediately available to Students 

  11. Please review some of the videos after your event to verify your recordings.

    Email Media IT Support Recording name/dates/time/location if you would like to verify your recording schedule.

If you need additional help.

Email Media IT Support for additional McCombs School of Business media help.
Phone 512-232-6679
Web MSB Media

Email UT Austin Panopto Support for additional UT Austin media help.

Getting Hands on Panopto and Canvas help

These first two links are for either Friday Canvas office hours - a Zoom link,  or, for scheduling One-on-One consultation.

  1. https://utexas.instructure.com/courses/633028/pages/office-hours-and-workshops
  2. https://utexas.instructure.com/courses/633028/pages/one-on-one-consultations

Alternatively, you can get help immediately through Instructure Support.  This is also a service paid for by the University.

If you go to - 


And log in with your UTEID.

You are actually redirected to the Utexas Instructure subdomain where all of Utexas Canvas Courses live.

If you click on the ? You will have all your Canvas help available.


Still need help? 

For McCombs faculty, please contact Media Services via email or phone:

For all other UT faculty, please contact your respective college or school.

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