Recording Class in Canvas

Here are some options for recording video into Canvas

Record your synchronous class

  • Zoom for asynchronous delivery - By default when you schedule a class in Canvas it will be set to record to the Cloud.  You can also decide in the middle of any Zoom meeting to start recording via the Record button in your Zoom meeting toolbar.
  • TIP: Make sure you review all the settings for your Recording profile and consider setting "Record Automatically" as a default in your scheduled meetings at least.  If you record a meeting and you don't want to publish it, you can just delete it before it's published.
  • For instructions on publishing your recording Zoom session please read the page on Zoom Recordings - Accessing/Publishing/Editing

Pre-record a video for asynchronous delivery - There are two ways you can do this based on the following questions:

  • Do you want to just have a short video of you on camera but not slides or screen share?  In cases like this, you can use the built-in Canvas Audio/Video Recorder that's part of Canvas.  Click here to learn more.
  • Do you want to record a video with a screen share?  In this case, we recommend Panopto which is an add-on in Canvas
    • To access Panopto click on the "Panopto" link in your left menu bar in Canvas.  If you don't see it click on Settings > Navigation.  Then drag Panopto to the top and save.
    • For more info on Panopto click here.