Day 2 -- Pre-presentation task

In voicing our frustrations about how long the copy commands were taking yesterday to several other instructors and community members, we stumbled onto a fact that we (and several others) were incorrect in believing that lonestar5 had the same behavior as stampede regarding the corral system. What this means is that even on compute nodes, you ARE able to access corral and as such, we can change your .bashrc file such that all of you directly reference the BioITeam materials there rather than having to copy subsets to your work directory. Please make sure to run the following commands in order and get the expected output listed below before continuing with any tutorials.

# Log into ls5
cp /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/scripts/updated_bashrc_GVA2016 .bashrc
# Log back into ls5
echo $BI

You should see the following output
