Lonestar6 TACC/Unix Exercise

Lonestar6 TACC/Unix Exercise

Get your data

Get set up
cd my_rnaseq_course
cd day_1_partA/tacc_exercise


Run a simple command on each of these four files. We are going to just print the first 10 lines of each file.

  1.  First you need all the files. One is missing. Download it from here -> genes.1  and transfer it to your lonestar6 account (under day_1_partA/tacc_exercise)


    Use the scp command from your computer (or winscp if its a windows machine)

    #FOR MAC: 
    #Open terminal
    #Go to where genes.1 got downloaded (most likely Downloads)
    cd ~/Downloads
    scp genes.1 <username>@ls6.tacc.utexas.edu:/scratch/*/<username>/my_rnaseq_course/day_1_partA/tacc_exercise
    Use winscp (free to download) to drag and drop the files from your computer to the server (in the right directory).
  2. Make a commands file with the unix commands to print the first 10 lines of each file into an output file.


    Open an editor to create a file called commands

    Use head command to print the first 10 lines.

    nano commands
    head genes.1 > head.1
    head genes.2 > head.2
    head genes.3 > head.3
    head genes.4 > head.4 
    #ctrl+x to exit (then Y to save)
  3. Use launcher_creator.py to create a launcher to submit this job (command file).


    launcher_creator.py -h to see the options.

    launcher_creator.py -n exercise -t 01:00:00 -j commands -q development -a OTH21164
  4. Submit the job.

    Use our summer school reservation when submitting jobs to get higher priority:

    sbatch --reservation=RNAseq



    sbatch exercise.slurm

  5. Check the queue.

    showq -u <username>
  6. Check the output files and log files.


    Look at <jobname>.o* file for output information

    Look at <jobname>.e* file for log/error information

    less exercise.o* #q to exit
    less exercise.e* #q to exit