TACC Genomics Modules Available
TACC Genomics Modules Available
These are the genomics-related modules currently available on lonestar:
How is this page generated?
By the following code written in Scott's .profile script (i.e. it's updated whenever Scott logs in):
module keyword genomics 2>&1 | grep -v '^[A-Za-z0-9]' | grep -v '^---' | grep -v spider | grep -v '^$' | sed s/','/' '/g | awk 'BEGIN {print "Module,Versions,Description\nList Updated,"strftime("%B %d %Y",systime())", "} {if (substr($0,1,4)==" ") {text=text " " $0} else {print prog "," prog_vers "," text ; prog=$1; prog_vers=$2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4; text=""}} END {print prog "," prog_vers "," text}' > $BI/web/tacc.genomics.modules
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